Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Silver Stock Report: The "New World Order" Silver Pieces are Here

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The "New World Order" Silver Pieces are Here

(Shocking!  Unbelieveable!  Oh, the Horror!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, February .17th, 2009

For months now, many of my readers have been alarmed and have been asking me about the Amero, a theorized currency of a theorized "North American Union", that might be something like the Euro.  Most of the questions wonder if the Amero will be a silver currency, and what that means for silver prices.

Clearly, if silver is needed as money, increased monetary demand will make silver go up in value, a lot.

But if silver becomes a world standard, instead of merely a regional standard, silver will go up even more.

See here:


We have 500 of these newly minted, 2009, 1 troy ounce silver pieces up for auction tonight at www.seekbullion.com

They will be auctioned off tonight in 5 lots of 100 oz. each.

I have known about these rounds for a while now, and so, I wrote up something about it here:


Due to my studies of silver, I think I understand a bit of what these might be saying.

The phrase, "The Seventh Silver Standard" seems to suggest that there is a new silver standard emerging in the world today.  The old standard of measurement, established by the Coin Act of 1792, was by the grain, or by the dollar.  The new standard seems to be by the troy ounce, as many nations have been minting 1 troy ounce .999 fine silver pieces since the mid 1980's.  Now, over 20 years later, it seems a new standard is beginning to re-emerge.

There is quite a bit of internet chatter about these new silver pieces.




It appears that the reference to the 666 on the back is about the mark of the Beast from Revelation Chapter 13.  Seems a rather bold thing to put on a silver piece.  I could never see these being accepted as money by Christians, but only as a novelty item, and many would never accept even that. 

On the other hand, these seem to be exactly the opposite of what the 666 from Revelation 13 is all about, so it seems like it's a bit of a mystery here.

Again, we have 500 of these interesting silver pieces up for auction tonight at www.seekbullion.com

We have a total of 2500 oz. up for auction tonight, in 25 different auctions, starting at 7PM.


    Jason Hommel


    I will be be speaking at the
    2009 Phoenix Resource Investment Conference & Silver Summit
    Feb 21 & Feb 22, 2009

    If you have never attended a natural resource show, it's a great learning experience to hear from some of the best speakers who are newsletter writers and investors in many natural resource stocks.  This year's Phoenix show is co-sponsored the Silver Summit, so many silver mining and exploration companies will be there. 

    Sorry before, a bit of confusion on pricing.  We have it right, now:

    - The conference is FREE to attend!

    - The Silver Summit Reception and Dinner, to be held Saturday evening 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. is free for exhibitors and speakers
    - Attendees wanting to attend the dinner pay $70 at the door. This includes dinner and the opportunity to listen to a great panel with Jason Hommel and others. If you sign up for dinner on the website and simply say Jason Hommel recommended that you attend, they will knock 50% off the price and only charge $35. The website will have a box where you can indicate who recommended you to attend the Silver Summit Reception and Dinner. 
    Sign up for the speaker dinner now, here, for $35 off:

    Jason Hommel's Facebook profile

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