Thursday, April 26, 2012

Silver Stock Report: What Good is it if you Can't Spend It?

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What Good is it if you Can't Spend It?

(This article is more valuable than a Harvard Education!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, April 26th, 2012

Buying silver and gold today will likely be better than buying Microsoft or Apple stock way back when they first came out, and this article addresses the fundamental reasons why.

People often ask, "What good is silver or gold if I can't spend it?"

But that's exactly why we all should buy it!  Low monetary demand means silver and gold are still cheap and undervalued liquid assets that investors should crave. 

And crave it, they do.  But 99% of silver investors are duped into buying the wrong kind of "silver", the kind that is not silver at all. 

"Investors" have "bought" up to 200 billion "dollars" worth of "silver" in "accounts", which would be 15-20 years of annual mine supply.  Clearly, that silver was never bought by the "brokers" who "sold" that much "silver" in "accounts" to "investors".  

Every word in quotes above needs clarification and/or translation.  Each word is quoted to highlight the fact that while I'm trying to tell the story in the silver market, it's difficult to do, because there so much fraud all over the place that if I stopped to define each word as I went, it would be so distracting that I could hardly write a single sentence.  Here's how those lines should read, if the discussion were a bit more truthful:

"Misinformed greedy gamblers" have "gambled on the paper currency value" of up to 200 billion "units of paper currency" worth of "paper promises of silver" in "computers", which if it were actually what it was supposed to be, would be 15-20 years of annual mine supply.  Clearly, that silver was never bought by the "broker / casino operator / thieves" who "took money for" that much "paper promises of silver" in "computers" for "the gamblers".

Getting back to the point of why people should want real physical silver (outside of brokerage accounts) especially when you can't spend it.

The point is that without monetary demand, gold and silver are cheaper than they otherwise would be.

Also, as long as 15-20 years worth of mine supply worth of investor demand is siphoned away from the real silver market into "computer" accounts, then silver prices will not go up as fast as they should.

Lower demand means a lower value.  Investors know that they want to buy things that have a low value, knowing that the value will likely go up.  But investors are still not understanding what silver is, since they continue to be satisfied with "paper silver", or perhaps "computer silver".

So, here's the fundamental reasons why gold and silver will continue to gain in value.  Gold and silver are true money, even if they can't be used to buy groceries yet.

What makes gold and silver good at being money?

Many people are beginning to re-learn why gold and silver are the best money, and have been money for thousands of years.  They seem to be able to recognize some of the self-evident and obvious truths that those metals have certain unique features making them essential and especially good at being money.

But these need to be listed, because sometimes people have funny ideas about money, because we live in a society that must convince us that paper is the best money.

There is a lot more here than I can remember all at once.  I need a list I can refer back to and update, and you just can't find the truth about this stuff anywhere else.  So you might want to keep this for future reference, too.  None of this is "news", but it will be news to some, because they just don't teach this stuff anywhere. 

I have a Harvard Textbook, "Principles of Economics", 4th ed., that defines the three functions of money, the medium of exchange, the unit of account, and the store of value.

It has a 5 star rating!  So, it must be one of the best.  But how can it be, when it is filled with so many lies?!

The book encourages the reader to "examine" the three functions of money on page 643, (and that's also the only page that mentions the gold standard!), but the book just defines the terms -- but they don't even explain what makes an item good at being one of the three functions of money; the medium of exchange, the unit of account, or the store of value.  Furthermore, the textbook is full of lies, misinformation, and false innuendo about money.

It's propaganda of the State.  Propaganda works best if you have to pay to learn it.  Nobody would believe it if they strapped you to a chair, tied you down, and shouted at you, "believe our lies about the usefulness of paper money and the stupidity of gold, or else!"  No, it only works when they make the kids have to pay to learn their propaganda, and then reward those who have the best memories for the lies, with high paying wall street jobs whereby they fleece the rest of the public.

The "Harvard" textbook actually suggests in two ways that only criminals have a large need for cash, because bank deposits leave a "paper trail", and because cash does not earn interest. 

But paper is not the only form of "cash".  There is also gold.  Is all the gold owned by criminals, too?  Nonsense.  And why does gold have to earn 1% interest, when gold and silver have been going up in value by 15-30% per year for the last ten years?  Interest on gold is nonsense.

Precious metals are a great store of value:

To be a store of value:

    * It should be long lasting, durable, it must not be perishable or subject to decay. Gold does not decay, not even in seawater.  Silver may tarnish and react with sulfur, but the tarnish is very thin and acts as a protective patina that prevents further decay.  This is why food items, expensive spices, or even fine silks or oriental rugs, are not generally suitable as money.

    * It should have a stable value.  Gold and silver values do fluctuate, but their value has never gone to zero value, like paper money often does.

    * It should be difficult to counterfeit, and the genuine must be easily recognizable.  Paper money is rather easily counterfeited, and good counterfeits are very hard to detect.

Precious metals are a great unit of account:

To be a unit of account:

    * It should be divisible into small units without destroying its value; precious metals can be coined from bars, or melted down into bars again, with a low percentage cost.  Actually, gold gets more valuable when made into smaller tenth ounce coins, which carry a higher premium, or price percentage over spot.  Furthermore, gold, when distributed to the people, creates monetary demand, and a higher value for the remaining gold in the world.  Animal skins, or live animals, are not suitable as money, because they are not easily divisible, nor can they be put back together when taken apart.  If an item can be divisible, it can be fungible, which is the next point.

    * It should be fungible: that is, one unit or piece must be equivalent to another, which is why diamonds, works of art, or real estate are not suitable as money.  If an item is fungible, then it can be countable, which is the next point.

    * It must be a specific weight, or measure, or size to be verifiably countable. You must be able to weigh, measure, and count, your unit of account!  And this is why paper dollars are not suitable as money any longer.  What are you counting?  What are you measuring?  Dollars are nothing but promises to pay in more dollars. 

Precious metals are a great medium of exchange:

To be a medium of exchange:

    * It should be cheaply and easily tradeable, with a low spread between the prices to buy and sell, in other words, a low transaction cost, and be able to be quickly and easily bought and sold anywhere in the world.  Land is not transportable.  Even US cash is not accepted everywhere in the world anymore.

    * It should have a high value to weight ratio, and thus be easily transportable, and cheap to store away.  Precious metals have a high value to weight and size ratio. This is why oil, coal, or water are not suitable as money even though they are valuable.  It's why real estate is not money, it's not portable at all.  It's why copper is not money, nor is wheat, nor balloons.  While even air is valuable and necessary to live more than 5 minutes, and while air can also fungible, air is neither rare nor valuable enough by any significantly measurable units to be useful -- unless perhaps you are a scuba diver under water.

$300 of gold is .15 of an oz., and can be easily hiding in any wallet.
$300 of silver is just under 10 oz., and such a bar easily fits into your back pocket.
$300 of copper is 33 pounds, which is a major strain to lift.
$300 of oil is 3 large barrels, and is too heavy to be lifted by a person's own strength.

    * It should be durable.   Gold does not decay.  Silver tarnishes a bit, but it's negligible.   Coins are often mixed with 10% copper to improve hardness and durability, and coins are made with ridges around the rim to prevent coin shaving or debasement.  Paper money, surprisingly, is actually expensive as money, because paper wears out quickly, and it costs money to have to re-print the paper.


These fundamental reasons why silver and gold are true money, help to answer the top ten excuses why our friends have not bought silver and gold, which are listed here:

EXCUSE IN CAPS, followed by my answer/rebuttal.

TOO HIGH NOW.  No, Gold and silver can never be valued "too high" against paper money.  Paper money is by nature fraud, and always will be.  It's interesting that people thought gold was "too high" at $1000/oz. back in Dec. 2009.  Clearly, with gold at a stable $1600 just over two years later, we can see more clearly that they were all wrong who called gold "too high" a few years ago.

HOW TO SELL?  Gold and silver are easier to sell than US "dollars", which are not accepted in many nations these days.

CRAZY GOLD BUGS:  No, we who understand gold are not crazy.  People who pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to Harvard to be taught lies might be crazy. 

I'M CLUE LESS ABOUT GOLD:  Well, if you went to Harvard, I can see why.  And I hope this article helped to change that for you and your friends.

SHUT UP:  Well, this is written, not oral.

PRICE CHANGES:  As you can see, it's paper money that is changing in value, far more than gold and silver, but silver and gold will continue to gain value during this time.

GOVERNMENT WILL FIX:  As you can see, government cannot change a single fundamental nature or property or feature of silver and gold.  Gold and silver expose the lies of excess paper money printing by governments.    

SILENCE:   Yes, I know, the nay sayers are once again speechless.  Hey, gold also doesn't talk, but that does not mean gold and the nay sayers are useless.  Gold, if you examine it, reveals its properties to you.  Similarly, by examining the arguments, or silence, of the nay sayers, we can see we are on the right track.

I'M BROKE:  Hey, gold is not for every man.  It's really just for those who would be kings.

BAD BROKERS:  Now you can see why the brokers, and their lackeys, the "financial advisors", talk people out of gold and silver.  They would go bankrupt if people bought the real things, because their short positions are 15-20 years of mine supply.  Furthermore, brokers don't earn commissions on gold that you hold in your own possession and keep in your own vault, and neither do we.  We only earn our commission one time, when you buy it from us. 

Getting back to the fundamentals.  Gold is easily transportable.  This means that the brokers really have no excuse to not send it to you when you buy it.  Assays are free.  Shipping and insurance for the shipping costs are less than 1% of the value.  Thus, the only reason to not send you your gold or silver when you buy it, is because the sellers are running a scam, or are bankrupt.

And there you have it.  You now know more about the essential nature of gold than 99.9% of people in the world. 


Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who appreciates the unique features of gold.  He was a part owner of a bullion dealership years ago. 

Ron Paul is getting thousands of people at every speech.

Mitt Romney is lucky to get over 100.


I'll be at our new Auburn Store today and tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, 4-26 and 4-27.  Call and ask for Jason.  It's slow today, and we'd love to take your order or answer any questions you might have.
1760 Highway 49 A140
Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 889-1086


I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

JH MINT & Coin Shop
13241 Grass Valley Ave
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 273-8175

Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
Kerri handles internet phone orders:
(530) 273-8822

NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
JH MINT Silver & Gold
1760 Highway 49 A140
Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 889-1086

You can also buy silver from my mom, or my brother Randy who is now managing
Mom's will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

3510 Auburn Blvd #12
Sacramento, CA 95821


    Jason Hommel

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    Wednesday, April 11, 2012

    Silver Stock Report: JP Morgan Silver Manipulation

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    JP Morgan Silver Manipulation

    (And why you need to know why silver is headed up beyond $500/oz.)

    Silver Stock Report

    by Jason Hommel, April 11, 2012

    Allow me to bring you up to date on what you need to know about JP Morgan's manipulation of the silver market.

    It is being exposed, and JP Morgan is failing, and losing money on their scheme. 

    On April 5th, we were given the gift of JP Morgan's Blythe Masters giving a TV interview on CNBC where she was trying to claim that JP Morgan does not hold any position in the silver market, but rather, is hedging client long positions in silver. 

    Blythe says, "We store significant amounts of commodities, for instance silver, on behalf of customers. We operate vaults in New York City, in Singapore and in London. Often when customers have that metal stored in our facilities they hedge it on a forward basis through JPMorgan, which in turn hedges in the commodities market," she said.

    "If you see only the hedges and our activity in the futures market but you aren't aware of the underlying client position that we're hedging, then it would suggest inaccurately that we're running a large directional position," she added. "In fact that's not the case at all. We have offsetting positions. We have no stake in whether prices rise or decline."

    The article and TV interview are here:
    JPMorgan Not Speculating on Commodities: Blythe Masters

    Note the phrase: "the underlying client position that we're hedging."

    Excuse me, my instinct tells me that clients don't want their long silver positions hedged, or sold short.  Why would a client with a long silver position want the bank to create an offsetting short position for the client?  If you buy stock or shares in a company, do you want your brokerage firm to short the company you just bought to "protect" you from upside gains?  This explanation makes no sense.  A client with such a long and short position would also have to pay storage fees on the long silver position, and then lose all of any upside gains due to the short position.  It makes no sense, in the way that Blythe is trying to get us to understand the words she is using.

    As I understand things, JP Morgan (and many other banks, but mostly JP Morgan) has many clients who want to be long silver, in the OTC or "Over The Counter" market and LBMA market, up to perhaps $100 billion to $200 billion worth of "silver" in "accounts".  But JP Morgan (and other western banks) never went out and bought this silver in the first place, because there does not exist $100 billion to $200 billion worth of silver to buy in a world that produces and mines only about $6 billion (at $10/oz.) to $21 billion (at $30/oz) worth of silver per year.  This puts JP Morgan (and other banks) in a natural short position, as they owe their clients 10-20 times more silver than the world produces annually.  JP Morgan thus has this massive natural silver short exposure.  To protect the bank from the silver short position, JP Morgan must cap silver prices, by shorting silver on the COMEX, where prices are set.  Otherwise, as silver prices rise, the bank loses more and more on the silver they are supposedly holding for their clients.  Only in that sense, does JP Morgan have "offsetting positions"; in other words, shorts on COMEX to back up or shore up JP Morgan's other losing short positions (client long positions)!

    JP Morgan cannot offset such OTC positions in the OTC market.  Except, in the sense I just explained, every single additional "sale" of silver in the OTC market protects and hedges every other sale, as all sales of "silver" in "accounts" to customers have the cumulative effect of preventing people from buying and taking delivery of real physical silver which would drive the silver price up.

    The key reason why the London LBMA and OTC silver selling is so successful is that nobody ever asks for delivery of the silver, because there is a 20% tax on silver delivery in London.  See here:

    There were two good commentaries on JP Morgan's Blythe Masters TV appearance, here:

    Mike Maloney breaks down Price Manipulation in the Gold and Silver Market

    The Russia Today TV show is 27 minutes long, and begins with Jeff Christians shocking admission at the CFTC hearings that the silver market trades 100 times as much silver as really exists to back up all the positions and trades.

    JPM’s TV Appearance

    JP Morgan first admitted having (or trying or wanting to cover) a short position in silver back in December 2010, about a year and 5 months ago.  This was reported by the Financial times, and by Barron's, and others.

    JPMorgan cuts back on US silver futures

    Report: J.P. Morgan Cutting Back Big Bets Against Silver

    What's excellent today is the comparison of today's explanation to JP Morgan's lie from a year and 5 months ago.  Back then, JP Morgan was trying to claim they were closing out, or had closed out, their short positions in silver.  Today, a year and 5 months later, they supposedly have this rational excuse that their firm's short positions in silver exist to offset other client long positions.  Both explanations are lies, obviously.  What I like about the lie of "offsetting client long positions" is that it is a lie disguised by the truth.  The truth is that they do have client long positions that would likely bankrupt the bank if they filled those positions and tried to buy silver that does not exist, and to hedge that exposure, they must manipulate the silver market's prices lower.  Thus, the current lie is sort of like an admission of the truth, but they are being very deceptive and tricky about how they present it.  The best kind of lie is simply a distorted version of the truth, of course.

    The New York Post exposed JP Morgan's manipulation of the silver market back in May, 2010, when they exposed an ongoing investigation by the CFTC AND the US Department of Justice into JP Morgan's silver trading.

    Feds probing JP Morgan trades in silver pit

    That article came out a month after my complaint to the US Justice Department in April, 2010, a month earlier.

    My readers told me they wrote to the US Department of Justice about silver manipulation, without mentioning any company names, and the US Department of Justice sent back form letters saying they were looking into JP Morgan's activities in silver, mentioning JP Morgan by name!

    So, what about my claim of the size of those OTC silver positions being in the range of $100 billion to $200 billion, which are far larger than the silver that trades on the COMEX? 

    Well, those are not my claims, but rather, those are numbers produced by the BIS, the Bank of International Settlements.  I have repeatedly reported on these figures here:

    BIS Changed Silver Data
    (From $203 to $93 Billion in Silver Liabilities?)
    by Jason Hommel, July 6th, 2011

    Silver News Explodes; JP Morgan Admits Guilt!
    (JP Morgan admits they are short silver!)
    by Jason Hommel, December 15th, 2010

    BIS Admits $190 Billion Silver Fraud
    (Almost, if you know where to look!)
    by Jason Hommel, April 6th, 2009

    The discrepancy or change in the BIS data from $203 Billion of "Other Precious Metals" (in other words, silver) down to $93 billion is still being reported at the BIS website.

    From the 2010, June report: $203 billion for the June, 2009 period.

    From the 2010, December report: $93 billion for the June, 2009 period.

    See Table 22a, Amounts outstanding of OTC equity-linked and commodity derivatives, in the category of "Other Precious Metals".  Scroll down about 90% into the pdf documents.

    This BIS data is the smoking gun of manipulation in the silver market.

    There is no way that the big banks can increase OTC shorts by $100 billion in silver in 6 months, when the world barely produces $15 billion of silver per year, without the silver price going bananas to the upside, unless this kind of silver derivatives exposure is silver that is owed to clients, which is essentially a naked short position, or silver that was "bought" by the customers, but never purchased by the banks in the open market, purposefully and maliciously and with the specific intent to prevent the silver price from running away to the upside, and to keep the fraud of the paper dollar going as long as possible.  This is really revealing the fraud of the multi trillion dollar paper money scam that the world has going.

    There is no reason to disbelieve the BIS numbers when the banks accidentally reveal data that condemns them, and exposes the silver short selling fraud; and every reason to suspect bad faith and nefarious intent when they later edit the data at a key time, Dec. 2010, when JP Morgan is being investigated by two arms of the US Government.

    JP Morgan first took on this silver short position when silver was about $20/oz.  Later, the silver price was manipulated down to $9/oz.  Today, with silver at about $32, we can see that the manipulation game is failing.

    All frauds eventually fail completely.  This one will, too.  In the end, holding silver in accounts with large banks will not help you.  You need real silver in your own real vault that you have personally lifted and stored away.  Any other kind of silver that others hold for you is likely fraud, and will not protect you in the event of the collapse of the dollar or the collapse of the financial system or the collapse of your brokerage company.

    By the time this fraud is exposed fully, and by the time a mere 1% of people or money in America starts buying silver, such as only about $180 billion in the banking system, the silver price will exceed $500/oz. and large firms such as JP Morgan will either be bankrupt, or they will be bailed out to the tune of trillions to keep the financial system together, which will create further inflation that will drive 2% of people into silver, and create the very runaway metals market that will just not stop until all paper money and paper accounts are destroyed for generations.


    I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

    JH MINT & Coin Shop
    13241 Grass Valley Ave
    Grass Valley, CA 95945
    (530) 273-8175

    Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
    Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
    Kerri handles internet phone orders:
    (530) 273-8822

    NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
    JH MINT Silver & Gold
    1760 Highway 49 A140
    Auburn, CA 95603
    (530) 889-1086

    You can also buy silver from my mom at
    Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

    3510 Auburn Blvd #12
    Sacramento, CA 95821


      Jason Hommel

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