Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Silver Stock Report: The Great Gold/Oil Price Flip

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The Great Gold/Oil Price Flip

(Gold prices will outperform Oil prices in the decades to come.)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, June 31st, 2012

Now more than ever, I more firmly believe my prior predictions that gold will significantly outperform oil in the decades to come.

Deflation (seen by lower prices) is the natural birthright of the advancement of mankind.  If men are more productive, more efficient, more economic, and advancing, then the prices for the things they produce and trade will naturally decline over time.  The primary factor that thwarts this major free market process is the interference by oppressive governments that create excess regulations, restrictive trade barriers, excessive taxes, theft through confiscations, and artificial scarcity, which changes this natural birthright of mankind, the lower prices and deflation.

Deflation is not a "risk".  It is a benefit.  Deflation rewards savers.  Deflation rewards those who can save money through restraint and self control.   Self Control is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Lower commodity prices are seen to be the overall trend of mankind of the last 100 years.  (Present commodity boom during the currency inflation, when measured in that currency is the exception.)  Price is determined by money.  The trouble is that money is being debased faster than the deflation, which is creating price inflation, instead of the proper deflation that we should expect, which distorts the picture if you measure prices in dollars, as the dollar is an unreliable measure.

As the gold price has risen over the last 12 years, we have seen deflation when things are measured by gold, but only a reversion to the mean, so far.  We have not yet seen the full manifestation of deflation, a full deflation that should reflect the real increased productivity of all the advancements of mankind of the last 100 years.

As I now see things more clearly, oil prices are artificially inflated by wrong-headed government policy.  There were 4 speakers at freedom fest that made this point.  The Federal Government owns most of the land west of the Mississippi.  Fully 90% of this land is off limits to oil exploration.  Why?  North Dakota is open.  North Dakota is booming, with unemployment down to 3-4%, and many men are earning 6 figures working in the oil fields. 

The USA could fully produce all the oil it needs, if only government got out of the way and let men produce it. 

Oil prices must, and will, go down, because oppressive government, and market distortions, especially in the age of the internet, cannot continue forever.

Gold prices must, and will, continue to go up, if only to fully reveal the natural deflation due to the increased productivity of mankind.

The biggest reason for the coming gold/oil price ratio change is that the current historic price ratio over the last 150 years is "too recent" to be effective in long term "reversion to the mean" forecasting.  The problem is that the world's bankers began the long process of abandoning gold as money within this recent time frame in human history, so there is no historical guide as to what oil prices should be when gold is being used as the predominant form of money. 

Instead, we have to use our intuition and rational thoughts to help figure it out.

World annual oil production is about 90 million barrels per day. 

x 365 days/year x $100/barrel =

That's about $3.3 trillion per year in dollar value, of oil production.

World annual gold production is about 80 million ounce per year.

x $1600/oz =

That's about $129 billion per year in dollar value, of gold production.

Using rational thought, I can only assume that if gold were money, and nothing else, no paper, that the world would spend less than world annual gold production on world annual oil production, because some of world annual gold production would be spent on other things, because gold is money, and oil is not.

That means that if we assume that gold production does not increase, and if value increases so that gold production is at least valued at twice oil production, (so that the world could use some gold to spend on something else other than oil) and if the value of oil does not go up, then the value of gold production could be:

$6.6 trillion / 80 million oz. = $82,500/oz.

Interestingly, this is shockingly close to the value if all US money were backed by US gold, as follows:

$18 trillion / 261 million oz. = $69,000.

What's more likely is that oil values will fall a bit, too, reducing the high of the first number, $82,500, which is excessive.

But there are other long term fundamental reasons to expect oil prices to go down, as follows.

First, I'll list my bias, right away.  Daniel in the Bible says that in the time of the end, people will go to and fro, and knowledge will increase.  This means that travel and knowledge will increase. 

Daniel 12:4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

This trend of increased travel has actually been happening exponentially in the last 100 years. 

Occasionally, I'll read of another writer who will predict that travel will greatly decrease.  To this I'll say, don't predict the change in the trend until the change in the trend has at least started to change!  It's safer to predict that the current trends that are in place will continue, unless they are unsustainable for some fundamental reason.

The second reason oil prices will go down, in terms of gold, is that it's not just the USA that has restricted oil production.  Fully 90% of the world's oil production has been confiscated by the national governments around the world.  This is a tremendous disincentive to the capitalists of the world, literally threatening them to not explore for oil, otherwise it will be stolen 90% of the time.  Higher oil prices are thus helping to prop up the thieving dictators of the world.  For this reason alone, the USA should vastly increase its own oil production.  Not only to become "energy independent", but to break the backs of so many of the thieving and oppressive governments the world over.

Producing more of our own oil will not only increase our own national wealth, it will increase our own freedom, and it will increase freedom around the world.

To bring peace to the world, the USA should stop all military spending, and simply remove the domestic restrictions on oil exploration and production.

For beauty queens who would pray for "world peace", they only need to pray that our own government get out of the way of domestic oil production.

But more importantly, oil profits need to be invested into silver, since the oil market is way too big at $3 trillion, and the physical silver investment market is way too small at $3 billion, which is 1000 times smaller.  In this way, excessive government money printing will be revealed to be another layer of oppressive fraud that will come to an end once it is revealed through higher silver prices.


I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

JH MINT & Coin Shop
13241 Grass Valley Ave
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 273-8175

Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
Kerri handles internet phone orders:
(530) 273-8822

NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
JH MINT Silver & Gold
1760 Highway 49 A140
Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 889-1086

You can also buy silver from my mom at www.momssilvershop.com
Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

3510 Auburn Blvd #12
Sacramento, CA 95821


    Jason Hommel

    If you found this email useful, please Forward this email to your family and friends.

    This email was sent to silverstockreport@gmail.com by j@silverstockreport.com |  

    silverstockreport.com | 13241 Grass Valley Ave | Grass Valley | CA | 95945

    Monday, July 30, 2012

    Silver Stock Report: Vote for Silver!

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    Vote for Silver!

    (Don't wait for the Election!)

    Silver Stock Report

    by Jason Hommel, July 30th, 2012

    Many investors are waiting to make decisions after the election.  Investors can afford to wait.  But the financial status of the USA is not likely to really change, and monetary inflation will continue.

    “Money is the most important subject intellectual persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it is widely understood and its defects remedied very soon.”
        --Robert H. Hemphill, former credit manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

    The defects are not in "money", it's in the currency!  There are no defects in silver and gold.  The defects lie within the abominations issued by the Federal Reserve, those electronic banking notes that are an unjust weight and measure of theft, backed by nothing but slips of dirty and smelly paper money.

    Buying silver is a political action.  It is a veto.  It unilaterally stops the Government from being able to steal from you through inflation and money printing from excess spending. 

    The political veto of buying silver carries a weight over 1000 times stronger and more powerful than voting.

    The reasons are simple.

    Buying silver is a vote of no confidence in the actions of government that prints paper money.  But who is actually voting that way?  Almost nobody.  Almost everybody is upset with Congress, as 90% of people have "no confidence" in federal politicians, but 99.9% of people still trust the money, and almost nobody is taking action to buy silver!

    Less than 1 person (or dollar) in 1000 is buying silver per year.  If even 1/1000th of the paper money in existence were buying silver, that would be $18 billion (out of 18 trillion).  But annual investment demand for silver is only about $3 billion per year.  That indicates that only 1 out of 5000 dollars is buying silver per year. 

    So if even 1 person in 1000 bought silver, the silver price could be well over $150/oz. by next month, and yet silver prices sit at around $28/oz. today.  If such a change happened, the dollar would lose 80% of it's value as measured by silver, and the Federal government's power to confiscate wealth from the people through printing press paper money would correspondingly drop by that much, too.  Or the dollar could lose more if more people were inspired to buy silver!

    People complain that the government debauches the currency by giving handouts to immigrants.  I get emails on this topic nearly daily.  But they don't do anything about it by buying silver!

    People complain that the government debauches the currently by giving handouts to the bankers.  But they don't do anything about it by buying silver!

    Moralists complain about the "Biblical abomination" of homosexual marriage.  But they neglect the abomination of paper money that harms everyone.  Hey, even homosexuals can buy silver, and they don't need a government permit to do so! 

    Moralists preach about the harm of gambling.  But they continue to hold paper money instead of preaching about silver, and buying silver.  The people of the USA lose from $7-10 billion in Las Vegas each year, which is 2-3 times as much as the entire world invests into silver!  If they just bought silver instead of going to Vegas, everyone would double or gain ten times as much on their money!  People of the future won't believe the numbers I'm writing about today!  They will wonder if everyone in our era was really that blind and why didn't people "back then" know that silver is money?!

    These days, many people will ask me and others to endorse or vote for the lessor of two evils.  Don't bother.

    Exodus 23:2  Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil --

    Proverbs 25:26  Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked.

    The real choice is not between Obama vs. Romney.  (Yes, we might even get a chance to vote Ron Paul, and if not, then Gary Johnson, but that's not the point.) 

    The real choice has been here all along, and does not come along once every 4 years, but is available every day.

    It's SILVER!  The people today are simply not making use of their political power to buy silver!

    Libertarians usually get 1% of the vote.   If 1% of money in the banks bought silver, the price of silver would soar past $500/oz., due to the following math:  $180 billion / 300 million oz. of silver available = $600/oz. 

    Libertarians are usually more wealthy than most, so if all Libertarians bought silver, you could expect silver to go higher than $600/oz.!

    Most people who vote, also usually want to be associated with a winner.  Silver is winning.  It's gone up from $5/oz. to $50/oz. in the last ten years, and is now on a price dip around $28/oz.  It's a guaranteed winner, and must continue to go up, and nothing can stop it, as the silver market is just way too small, and government spending is just way too high.

    Vote for silver today by calling up and ordering silver from the JH MINT.


    I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

    JH MINT & Coin Shop
    13241 Grass Valley Ave
    Grass Valley, CA 95945
    (530) 273-8175

    Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
    Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
    Kerri handles internet phone orders:
    (530) 273-8822

    NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
    JH MINT Silver & Gold
    1760 Highway 49 A140
    Auburn, CA 95603
    (530) 889-1086

    You can also buy silver from my mom at www.momssilvershop.com
    Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

    3510 Auburn Blvd #12
    Sacramento, CA 95821


      Jason Hommel

      If you found this email useful, please Forward this email to your family and friends.

      This email was sent to silverstockreport@gmail.com by j@silverstockreport.com |  

      silverstockreport.com | 13241 Grass Valley Ave | Grass Valley | CA | 95945

      Saturday, July 28, 2012

      Acquire a Bachelors, Masters, MBA, Doctorate (PhD) degree in just 2 weeks. No tests/studying required.

      Acquire a Bachelors, Masters, MBA, Doctorate (PhD) degree in just 2 weeks. No tests/studying required.


      Tuesday, July 24, 2012

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      Monday, July 16, 2012

      Silver Stock Report: Libertarians Endorse Silver!

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      I Endorse Libertarians

      (Ron Paul and Gary Johnson)

      Silver Stock Report

      by Jason Hommel, July 15th, 2012

      I have long supported Ron Paul, and I still do.  More importantly, I support his ideals.

      One time, I asked Ron Paul a hard question while he was on a panel of free market advocates.
      I asked, "If the philosophy of libertarian free markets is literally a recipe for the greater wealth of society, then you all must have a significant free market competitive advantage over so many other people who don't understand free market economics.  So then, please tell us how you have been able to put your understanding of free markets to work in your own lives and businesses so as to enable you to create wealth for yourselves." 

      I asked this challenging question because it should have been true, but I knew it was not, because some of the panelists were free market advocates only, but who engaged in "non-profit" activities!

      Ron Paul had a great answer, one of the best.  He said that he was a former physician and that he left a lucrative medical practice delivering babies in order to pursue the teaching of the necessity of free market principles, and that he decided he would have the greatest reach for these ideas by entering politics, and accepting a salary reduction!  And furthermore, as a principled libertarian, he declined Congressional pension benefits, even further reducing his own personal wealth, to stay even more true to his ideals. Clearly, he was successful.  And a hero, considering his self-sacrifice.

      So, I thought about that for a bit.  And then, after the panel was dismissed, I asked him, "So, when are you going to run for President?"  He replied, "I don't think the liberty movement is big enough to support a Libertarian enough to win, don't you think?"  Being a bit naive, I think I said something like, "Well, a lot of liberty lovers have made some money in silver now, and so there are plenty of people who now have more money who might be able to give to your campaign.  I'd give the maximum allowed by law.  Then, I think I said something smart, like this:  "But that's not the point.  Clearly, if you became a politician to spread free market ideas, you will be much more able to do that if you run for the Presidency.  Thus, even if you lose, you win.  So, you can't lose, in that sense."

      A month later, Ron Paul announced he was running for President, and of course I was happy to give the maximum donation, and announce my support for Ron Paul in my newsletter.


      Today, some say there is still a chance that Ron Paul can win the Republican nomination if delegates vote their conscience.  I hope and pray that they do.  That's why they are selected; and it's why we don't have a direct democracy, for precisely these occasions like today.

      At Freedom Fest this weekend in Las Vegas, Libertarian Carla Howell made the point that Romney would be far worse than Obama.  This surprised me, but it took me only moments of listening to realize it is true. 

      Carla Howell's reason is that Romney is a big government politician.  Obamacare was based on Romneycare.  If the nation elects Romney, national health care, at least a replaced Romneycare, will be a reality for 50 years, and debate will be OVER, because it will be continually pointed out by the liberal media and controlled press that "both parties" and "everyone" wants it, even though that will not be true. 

      I hope and pray that delegates will vote Ron Paul and nominate him as the Republican's choice for president.  But that might not happen.

      The only other choice, the ONLY CHOICE, if Ron Paul does not become the Republican nominee, is Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, who was the former governor of New Mexico, who vetoed over 700 bills while in office, more than all the rest of the nation's governors combined.  When he ran for office, governor, for the first time, he spent $510,000 of his own money on his campaign, and received only $30,000 in donations at the last moment when it appeared as if he might win!  Amazing! 

      The man is unbribable.  He's like an angel, but maybe better.  Bible says that a third of the angels fell.

      I asked him if it was difficult to raise money, since nobody can bribe him with donations, since his principles are to libertarian truths, and not for sale.  Not even Libertarians can "get something" from a man who would have the government spend nothing!

      He admitted it was difficult to raise money, and related the story above of spending his own money to gain office, with a mere $30,000 in donations!

      How fortunate for the nation at this time that we have TWO excellent Libertarians entering the national debate and race for the office of the presidency!

      How much more successful will Gary Johnson be with actual campaign contributions, this time around!  So, I'm proud to say that I just donated the maximum to his campaign, $2500.  Consider.  Ponder this next point:

      Even if Gary Johnson does not win, he deserves your support, if you value freedom, if you value the future of your lives and children.

      Even if Gary Johnson does not win, you have a chance to let your fellow Americans know that you refuse to vote for the lessor of two evils, and that you can support and encourage real freedom, and encourage other people to study and think about real libertarian ideals.

      Voting is not a popularity contest.  It is not a chance for you to "show off" and to try to pick who other people think might be the winner. 

      Voting is a chance for your own self-expression.  Trying to vote for who you think the winner might be is beyond foolishness.

      Voting is your chance to raise your voice for real meaningful change.  The only way you can vote for real change is to vote for a man who will actually bring honest changes!

      Even if "the libertarian" does not win, other politicians at all levels will take notice of how many people voted libertarian, and will be more likely to move their own views towards libertarian ideals of freedom.  But only to the extent that people vote libertarian!

      And as it stands, Romney is likely the worse of two evils, since it appears he is willing to not only embrace every single big government idea, but even worse, propose his own!

      The way I look at it, I can only hope that the nation is not headed into violent chaos of hyperinflation and big government oppression and violent revolution if the nation votes for Romney.  Or Obama.

      As I see it, it's far more likely that the nation will discover a peaceful way towards freedom by supporting and voting for Gary Johnson.  As I see it, lives depend on this.  It is all the more important to vote for Gary Johnson if you live in a "blue" state like California who will likely vote for Obama anyway, because a vote for Romney would not only be harmful for the nation as described above, but a lost vote, as it would mean that you support the "status quo" of big government spending and continued erosion and oppression of our rights. 

      Only a vote for Gary Johnson can register your peaceful discontent with the state and direction of our nation.  And if a vote counts, your early and immediate financial support means so much more.

      But more important than political involvement, as a way to increase freedom in the US, is to buy silver!  Buying silver is an act of voting "no confidence" in the current government.  Buying silver reduces the oppressive power of the printing press of the Federal Reserve, which they use to bribe politicians, buy the media, bail out the banks, and buy votes. 

      I spoke with Gary Johnson's running mate, Judge Jim Gray, a bit about a certain difficulty I have in understanding the consequences of electing freedom minded politicians.  I said, "Look at Ronald Reagan.  He was a gold advocate, and advocate for liberty, and he did good things for increasing freedom by reducing tax rates from 76% down to 33%.  Suppose that Gary Johnson manages to balance the budget and reduce government spending by 40%.  I asked, "Wouldn't this save the dollar, and preserve big government's control over us all the more?"  Yes, it might, but it's better than the alternative; potentially violent revolution through hyperinflation and big government crackdowns on freedom.  I agree.

      We silver and gold bugs are a curious lot.  We are among the only ones who will actively work against the best interests of our own investments, for the good of the nation.  We buy gold and silver, but generally support politicians that might make our purchases of gold and silver unnecessary!

      So, ironically, more important than voting, there is another non-political alternative, and something else you can do, in addition to donating and voting.  BUY SILVER!  Buying silver exponentially reduces the power of government's printing press, which they use to steal the productive capacity of the nation, and use to pay the manpower for their oppressive government programs.

      If Libertarians Johnson/Gray advocate buying silver on the campaign trail, they have the potential to reach so many more people.  As it stands, the world wide physical silver investment market is only about $3 billion.  The Libertarians usually garner 1% of the vote.  But if they get 1% of the people to buy silver, well, 1% of money in the banks would be $180 billion.  Imagine what that would do to the silver market!  

      Jim Gray got it.  He understood.  He wants to learn more.

      People need to understand that it's not the government that needs to return to silver; the people must do it first.  Government will never lead, it will only follow.  It's up to the people to lead.

      People get the government they deserve. 

      Expect big things for silver and the Gary Johnson campaign in the coming months.  Donate early.  Help out early.  Volunteer.  Blog.  Facebook.  The more you do, the sooner, the better.

      Gary Johnson has not paid for this endorsement, it was the other way around.

      God bless.


      I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

      JH MINT & Coin Shop
      13241 Grass Valley Ave
      Grass Valley, CA 95945
      (530) 273-8175

      Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
      Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
      Kerri handles internet phone orders:
      (530) 273-8822

      NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
      JH MINT Silver & Gold
      1760 Highway 49 A140
      Auburn, CA 95603
      (530) 889-1086

      You can also buy silver from my mom at www.momssilvershop.com
      Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

      3510 Auburn Blvd #12
      Sacramento, CA 95821


        Jason Hommel

        If you found this email useful, please Forward this email to your family and friends.

        This email was sent to silverstockreport@gmail.com by j@silverstockreport.com |  

        silverstockreport.com | 13241 Grass Valley Ave | Grass Valley | CA | 95945

        Tuesday, July 10, 2012

        Silver Stock Report: Video: Gold or Gold Stocks?

        God Bless You!
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        Video: Gold or Gold Stocks?

        (Emgold or Gold?)

        Silver Stock Report

        by Jason Hommel, July 10th, 2012 9pm


        Catch Lyndie Lou's latest video report on Emgold stock.    Or read the text below, which you can also read in the description of the video above at youtube.

        Hi, I'm Lyndsie Lou, speaking on behalf of JH MINT.

        JH MINT incorporated believes gold prices are still low, because certain gold stocks are still so cheap. This reflects the truth that the public is still generally not interested in gold, showing that gold has a lot of room to move up in price. Take, for example, Emgold.

        Emgold is a stock with a market cap value of about 4 million dollars.

        One of their assets, a lease on the historic Idaho-Maryland Mine in Grass Valley, California, in historic gold country, likely has gold in the ground worth anywhere from 2 billion to 10 billion dollars.

        Emgold's last feasibility study said the gold was economic to mine with gold prices of only 420 dollars per ounce! With gold prices having increased to 1,600 dollars per ounce, this stock is a real gold mine, in more ways than one!

        Emgold plans to mine up to 200 thousand to 300 thousand ounces of gold per year.

        With expected profits of about 1,200 dollars per ounce, this equates to about 240 to 360 million dollars in profit per year!

        The stock price will likely rise from about 10 cents to one dollar per share as they raise the 125 million dollars needed to start mining.

        The stock price will then likely rise from about one dollar per share to ten dollars per share after they begin mining.

        In other words, people who buy stock now have a real chance to make 100 times their initial investment!

        The company will have to raise about 125 million dollars to get started mining. With such a low market cap today, this means that only about 10 per cent or less of the future ownership of Emgold is spoken for. The real majority owners, the other 90 percent, have not yet bought stock from the company to give Emgold the financing they need to start mining.

        After full financing, and after mining begins, Emgold stock could produce earnings of over one dollar per share. That kind of a dividend could drive the stock price to ten dollars per share, or more.

        Emgold is a public company, and shares trade daily, around less than 10 cents per share in today's market.

        The ticker symbols are:
        On the US Pink Sheets, the symbol is: E-G-M-C-F
        On the Canadian venture exchange, the ticker symbol is: E-M-R

        Google it: EMGOLD.

        Is this stock undervalued? Research it. You tell me.

        Here are the required S-E-C disclaimers:

        Do I own stock, and has anyone paid me to write about Emgold?

        Jason Hommel owns 540,000 shares of Emgold, and he was not paid by anyone to write about Emgold.

        JH MINT, Inc. has paid me, Lyndsie Lou, for this presentation.

        And where can you buy gold? At JH MINT dot com of course!


        I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

        JH MINT & Coin Shop
        13241 Grass Valley Ave
        Grass Valley, CA 95945
        (530) 273-8175

        Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
        Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
        Kerri handles internet phone orders:
        (530) 273-8822

        NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
        JH MINT Silver & Gold
        1760 Highway 49 A140
        Auburn, CA 95603
        (530) 889-1086

        You can also buy silver from my mom at www.momssilvershop.com
        Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

        3510 Auburn Blvd #12
        Sacramento, CA 95821


          Jason Hommel

          If you found this email useful, please Forward this email to your family and friends.

          This email was sent to silverstockreport@gmail.com by j@silverstockreport.com |  

          silverstockreport.com | 13241 Grass Valley Ave | Grass Valley | CA | 95945

          Thursday, July 5, 2012

          Silver Stock Report: Video: Gold Prices Will Go Up For Years To Come!

          God Bless You!
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          Gold Prices Will Go Up For Years To Come

          (Video by Lyndsie Lou)

          Silver Stock Report

          by Jason Hommel, July 5th, 2012


          Please share this 3 minute video clip of Lyndsie Lou reviewing the basics on why Gold Prices will go up for years to come.

          Share with your rich uncles, brothers or fathers or grandfathers.  Forward this to busy CEOs.  Share with VIPs.  Share this with money managers you may know.  Share with all your friends whom you care about.  Share this with your mothers, share this with your wives.  Share it with your sons or daughters away at college, they may learn something about the real world.  Share this with your friends, and even better, share it with your enemies! 


          It's time for Freedom Fest!  http://freedomfest.com/   July 11th to 14th.  Vegas!  It's a time for learning, reflecting, searching, and finding.  I won't be speaking.  I won't have a booth.  But I'll be there.  If you are attending and run into me, feel free to approach and say hi.  I always love to hear from my readers, and hear any burning questions you may have.


          I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

          JH MINT & Coin Shop
          13241 Grass Valley Ave
          Grass Valley, CA 95945
          (530) 273-8175

          Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
          Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
          Kerri handles internet phone orders:
          (530) 273-8822

          NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
          JH MINT Silver & Gold
          1760 Highway 49 A140
          Auburn, CA 95603
          (530) 889-1086

          You can also buy silver from my mom at www.momssilvershop.com
          Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

          3510 Auburn Blvd #12
          Sacramento, CA 95821


            Jason Hommel

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            silverstockreport.com | 13241 Grass Valley Ave | Grass Valley | CA | 95945