Friday, May 18, 2012

Silver Stock Report: Most Popular Gold and Silver Coins and Bars

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Most Popular Gold and Silver Coins and Bars

(JH MINT Sales and Purchase Volume Data)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, May 18th, 2012

Here's the link to tables of JH MINT Sales data without commentary.

People who are ready to buy silver and gold often ask us, "Which should I buy?" and "What's the most popular?"  It's the one ounce silver round!   It's the clear winner.

The sales volume data shows what's popular, and by how much.  To my knowledge, no other bullion dealer has published such data ever.  Thus, this is very important industry data.  It should be linked, and discussed and cross referenced by those who would comment on the physical bullion market.

The data reveals much.  One of my favorite points is that it exposes a lot of fraud. 

Don't ever believe it when fraudsters who vault your bullion in the form of 1000 oz. bars, claim that one ounce rounds are not popular, or that it's "too difficult" or "too costly" to manufacture these popular silver products.

Note, the data covers the period from August 2010 to April 2012, which is 1.75 years, or a year and 9 months.

We sold a total of $33.9 million, and bought a total of $13 million worth of silver and gold from the public.  We have excluded purchases from wholesalers, or sales to refiners, which would have offset the difference, and would have helped to balance the numbers.  So, the numbers reflect what the public is buying and selling and doing and choosing to do, not what dealers buy or sell or have to do to serve the public demand.

Overall, it's important to note that silver one ounce rounds are the most popular item, both in sales and purchases.  Since they are the most popular of purchases as well, this says that silver one ounce rounds were the most popular item of the last ten to twenty years.  Since sales of silver one ounce rounds were 23.6% of all sales, and purchases were 11.6% of all purchases, this says that they are only growing in popularity.  We didn't sell "twice as many as we bought", we really sold $8 million worth of one oz. rounds, while we bought $1.5 million, which is 5.3 times more.  To me, that suggests that one oz. rounds are 5.3 times more popular now (over the last two years), than they were "historically".

Every now and then, people will sell the 100 oz. silver bars, or sell gold coins, just to convert into one ounce rounds, as people are growing in their awareness of the need to have a fungible, popular, barterable unit of tradable precious metal.

I believe this is a good trend.  It shows the growing awareness of the importance of fungibility, and it is helping the silver one ounce round to gain that fungibility that comes with being the most common unit of trade.

The sales data is showing that silver one ounce rounds are "becoming money".

Another way the data could be interpreted, is that, in theory it could be cross referenced with the total sales of Silver and Gold American Eagles, and then you could extrapolate to estimate total national US silver and gold purchases, and total trades.  However, in our shop, we tend to push silver more than gold, and we also tend to push the silver one oz. rounds, so the data is not easily extrapolated to total US trends, as I will show.

I'm surprised by the data in a few ways.

First, I'm surprised that over 40% of our sales volume is the silver 1 oz. coins, the combo of the top two categories, the generic rounds, and the silver Eagles.

Second, I'm surprised how few Canadian Maples we have sold relative to Eagles.  National production figures of each suggest that about 4-6 Eagles sell for every Maple.  Our sales ratio is more like 25 to 1.

Third, I'm surprised that our top four categories are all silver products!  Of course, I promote silver in this newsletter, over gold, but still.  So, that reminds me then, by the way, thanks for listening!  National sales production figures of silver and gold Eagles suggest a nearly 1:1 ratio between sales of silver and gold. 


In 2011, the US MINT sold 1 million oz. of gold Eagle coins, and 40 million oz. of silver Eagles.  At a price ratio of about 55 to 1, that's a dollar ratio of about 1.37 Silver to Gold Eagles sold, nationwide.

In contrast, we sell almost three times as many Silver Eagles as Gold Eagles, by dollar volume.  This shows why, and by how much, you cannot assume our shop's data is representative of national trends.

Fourth, I'm surprised at the low volume of old $20 gold pieces we've sold.  We mark them down lower than nearly any other dealer, as we sell them as bullion, not as "collectible" coins marked up 15% to 100% over spot, but we sell them at the same rate as new gold Eagles.  Our low prices still don't encourage people to buy them in substantial quantity.  This really goes to expose the scam of selling "rare" gold at inflated prices.  (Another part of the reason I do this is that it shows that it's impossible for anyone to be scammed by anything if you refer your friends to our shops.  With no scams available on sale, you can trust us with your referrals, which is essential to our business, and essential to helping silver and gold return as honest money.) 

Fifth, I'm surprised at the very low volume of historic American silver dollars.  We also sell them at bullion prices, and again, the low price just does not encourage sales of these "non moving" forms of bullion inventory.  I assume people don't like the odd weight, and they avoid the unusual and not popular stuff, and maybe they avoid it because we pay less for them when we buy them back.

Sixth, I'm surprised at how few silver Philharmonics we've sold.  They are really beautiful coins.  People are not buying beauty from us, but rather, they are aiming for just the simple preservation of their purchasing power.

Seventh, I'm surprised at how gold bars have nearly caught up to Gold Eagles.  It seems people make a choice between either "Most popular" or "Least premium", and often a combination of the two!  "I'll take three American Eagles and two gold bars, please," is not an uncommon request.

Eighth, I'm surprised that people love the Gold Maples so much much more than the Silver Maples in our area.  The low sales volume of Silver Maples makes me think people in our area have a bias against Canadians, but the sales of Gold Maples says it's not a problem.  Maybe the issue is that our price board is not listing silver Canadian coins as a separate item, but we do list Gold Maples?

Ninth, we sell nearly ten times the dollar volume of ten oz. silver bars compared to five oz. silver bars.  Kerri, in our office, continually tells me that "we need more 5 oz. bars, as people love the 5 oz. bars".  Well, that may be true, in that people who buy 5 oz. bars are excessively enthusiastic about that product, but most people who buy silver are not.  Rationally, it seems to me that we ought to stock about ten times the dollar volume of 10 oz. bars compared to the 5 oz. bars.  And this leads us to sell out of the 5 oz. bars more frequently, because enthusiastic buyers sometimes buy all that we have.  But sometimes, an individual buyer may buy out all of our 10 oz. bars, as well!

Tenth, 40% silver coinage is hardly worth mentioning, but I will.  It's horrible.  Refiners and wholesalers hate it.  Sometimes, they refuse to purchase it completely.  And sometimes, so do we.  Sorry about that.  And funny enough, the stuff is actually an example of "adulterated" silver, the exact kind of which the old law made punishible by death.

According to the Coin Act of 1792, those who debased the currency, "or otherwise with a fraudulent intent" were to suffer the death penalty:

Penalty of Death for de-basing the coins. Section 19. And be it further enacted, That if any of the gold or silver coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint shall be debased or made worse as to the proportion of the fine gold or fine silver therein contained, or shall be of less weight or value than the same out to be pursuant to the directions of this act, through the default or with the connivance of any of the officers or persons who shall be employed at the said mint, for the purpose of profit or gain, or otherwise with a fraudulent intent, and if any of the said officers or persons shall embezzle any of the metals which shall at any time be committed to their charge for the purpose of being coined, or any of the coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint, every such officer or person who shall commit any or either of the said offenses, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death.

As a result of this sales data, I may make a few changes.

I may wholesale out, or lower the price bracket spread, on 90% silver.  We have a bit too much in stock, due to so much recent selling to us of this form of silver.  Hey they don't make this kind anymore, and sometimes it sells out at the wholesale level too, so consider buying some from us while it's cheap and available.

I may raise my buy price on 1 oz. rounds, as they are easy to count, easy to trade, and I like the "quick delivery", called "now", when buying from the public.

I will no longer be buying silver Maples, silver Philharmonics or fractional gold coins from wholesalers, "just to stock", but I can get them in quantity if buyers specifically request a large purchase.  We have not really bought these for nearly 6 months anyway.  We will likely still have the products, but perhaps not in large quantity.  They don't move enough to be worth the risk of selling out of 1 oz. silver rounds.

I do need to re stock more 1 oz. rounds!

I've published similar data over a year ago:
Simiarly, the 1 oz. silver round was the most popular then, too.

Here's JH MINT Sales data without commentary.

Feel free to facebook this, reprint, republish, etc.
Now is a great time to buy silver and gold.  We through the JH MINT, can handle your orders.


I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

JH MINT & Coin Shop
13241 Grass Valley Ave
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 273-8175

Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
Kerri handles internet phone orders:
(530) 273-8822

NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
JH MINT Silver & Gold
1760 Highway 49 A140
Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 889-1086

You can also buy silver from my mom at
Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

3510 Auburn Blvd #12
Sacramento, CA 95821


    Jason Hommel

    If you found this email useful, please Forward this email to your family and friends.

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    Thursday, May 17, 2012

    Silver Stock Report: Confiscation!

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    (The good news about silver, and gold!)

    Silver Stock Report

    by Jason Hommel, May 14th, 2010

    More of my readers ask me about confiscation than any other issue.  I continue to refer people to my article from 2008, but it's time for an update. 

    I stand by what I wrote in the past, but there is more to say.

    First of all, gold in the hands of the American public has never been confiscated, never can be, and never will be.

    1.  To seize (private property) for the public treasury.
    2. To seize by or as if by authority. See Synonyms at appropriate.
    adj. (knf-skt, kn-fskt)
    1. Seized by a government; appropriated.
    2. Having lost property through confiscation.

    The only gold that has ever been confiscated was gold held by banks for their customers !  Let the buyer beware who owns ETF's,  certificates, bullion accounts, or those holding gold in some storage program; again, beware!

    The government has never, and will never, send agents house to house, asking you for your gold, at the threat of gun point.  And even if they did, it would be so easy to evade that kind of inquiry, by merely saying, "My gold, I sold that years ago!"  Think about it, they don't even do that to fight the drug war!!

    Furthermore, in a nation of gun owners, government agents would likely terminate the program after about the 100th house they searched, due to the people fighting back.

    If the government can't win the war on drugs, against laid-back lazy pot heads, do you think they could win a confiscation war against vigilant, anxious, sober, gun wielding 50-60 year olds, many of whom are decorated veterans of the special forces?

    In fact, for those people who know of Bible Prophecy, and even for the atheists and agnostics among us, gold ownership should be the key factor keeping people alive through the coming 7 year tribulation predicted in the Bible in Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation.  There will be people who will not ever take the mark of the beast required to buy and sell, and it is those people who will likely have silver and gold who will survive to populate the earth after the tribulation and during the millennium, whether believers, atheists, or agnostics alike! 

    Zechariah 14:16-19.  Revelation 13:16-18, Rev 14:9-12, Rev 15:2, Rev 19:20, Rev 20:4-6
    See also

    Thus silver and gold are the hardest kinds of property to confiscate, because it is the most easily hidden of all assets that exist!  Not even Satan's ultimate government that forces mankind to accept the mark of the beast to buy and sell or be threatened with being beheaded (Revelation 13) will be able to confiscate all the gold and silver among mankind!

    Not even drug sniffing dogs can be trained to sniff out gold, because SILVER AND GOLD DO NOT HAVE ANY ODOR! 

    But let's think about this a bit.

    Why is confiscation even an issue?  Why are gold buyers being trained to ask me about it?  I believe it's because there are numismatic dealers who make more money, and spend more money advertising, make this an issue to be able to sell overpriced gold.  Let me explain more clearly, by way of statistics.

    The honest gold bullion market is about a $2 billion market in the USA, with margins of about 1%, on average.  I estimate that, because gold eagle sales are about 1 million oz/year (record production), and assuming that those represent half of gold purchased in the USA (given my experience as a dealer.) 

    Thus, honest gold dealers have a gold profit of about $20 million, total, among all gold dealers in the USA, and out of that, will come ad dollars to be spent on things like this email letter that you are reading now to inform you about the truth of the product that we sell.

    Why do I go through all that?  Because I read that the numismatic market in gold is about a $10 billion market.  It is not only 5 times as large, but the profits are much larger, too, with margins of about 50 to 100% or more, and thus, the numismatic market earns perhaps from $2 to 5 billion per year, from which they get to spend on advertising.  So, the numismatic dealers might have an ad budget about 100 to 200 times as large as honest gold dealers.  Think about what that means for the education of the average gold buyer.

    Thus, I believe that the largest gold dealers in the USA teach lies about confiscation so they can sell you over priced gold that is marked up by over 100% more than it should be!

    We sell double eagles, old gold coins around 100 years old, when we get them, for about 10 to 15% over the price of gold. 

    No major wholesaler has ever offered us anything significant over the spot price, and we've called around!

    Yet those same coins are often sold to the unsuspecting public for up to 100% over the price of gold, to naive clients who are trying to buy "non confiscable" gold.  And thus, by buying the wrong kind of gold, from liars, they end up not only having half of their wealth immediately confiscated, due to their own foolishness and irrational fears, but they end up funding the businesses, and ads, of the liars who continue to spread their lies about non confiscable gold.

    This issue really bugs me, as you can tell.  I don't cover this often, because there is the other side of it, of course.  If wealthy buyers wish to buy overpriced gold, or bid high insane prices for rare coins, that's entirely their own business, and there's nothing wrong with that, it's their money, and they can spend it as foolishly as they wish, and there should never be any laws passed to prevent them from doing what they want with their own money. 

    Furthermore, why should I expose a $10 billion fraud, when the fraud of selling phantom silver is a $200 billion fraud, and much, much, much worse?  To be rational, I should write about 20 articles on the paper silver fraud for every article I write about overpriced numismatics, and so I do. 

    Now, my comments do not exactly address the issue of the 1933 gold recall, or some say, "confiscation", where collector coins were theoretically exempt.  Collector coins were also undefined.  Some say there might be a new law passed where if you pay 15% over spot, then it could be defined as a collector coin, and so, some more honest numismatic dealers will hype up unwanted gold that would otherwise go to the smelter, and sell it at 15% over spot, to satisfy the overly paranoid buyers, rather than sell it at outrageous 100% premiums.

    Now, I'm sure I'm going to be slandered by the $10 billion numismatic industry, and forgive me if I don't care to respond for another two years from now. 

    But let me put it another way.  New and popular old Eagles represent about 1/2 of the gold we sell.  All other forms of gold are the other half, and so, each of the other forms represent a tiny portion of the other half of gold sales.  This would include bars, Krugerrands, Maples, foreign gold, fractional gold, and old US gold coins. 

    Now, if you wanted to be an honest dealer, and saw that some gold was not selling, then you have to realize that it might end up in the smelting pot with your scrap gold and you get less than spot for it due to the refining charge, or, since you recognize that there is next to "no" market for that gold, you could go out and scare the newbies into paying outrageous premiums for that gold.  Or, you can take the middle ground, and be patient, and sell it at reasonable bullion prices, which is what we do.

    There's another form of gold, the new "collector" gold that consists of two toned or reverse toned proof strike gold Eagles.  I could mint something similar for the cost of about $600 in new dies, but why bother.  If collectors want to pay outrageous premiums for shiny new two toned gold, let them, but I'm not joining that party.

    Likewise, when it's my money, I don't have to buy old comic books at outrageous prices, I don't have to buy old stamps at outrageous prices, I don't have to buy antiques at outrageous prices, and I don't have to buy old or new gold at outrageous prices either.  And I won't.

    This works to the advantage of people who think they know the collector coin, rare coin, or numismatic trades, who can find "real bargains" at real bullion shops, where things are not marked up to outrageous prices.

    Now, allow me to summarize a few arguments from my last letter on confiscation.  

    The real confiscation is inflation.  At a 20% inflation rate, that's worse than the government stealing everything in every 5th home in America, including the home and all the investments.  I'll say it's worse because that kind of inflation creates economic distortions that create bad investment decisions by the remainder of the population.

    But think about this!  Government is not likely to confiscate silver and gold, when the government is making and selling silver and gold Eagles coins!

    The US government makes 30-40 million silver Eagles per year now, and 1 million gold Eagles.  At $20/oz., that's about $800 million in silver, and $1200 million in gold.

    Government is not likely to confiscate silver and gold for the budget when the budget deficit is in the trillions, which is over $1,000,000 million, or a million million.  The value of silver and the gold is simply not even remotely close to being enough to help.  Silver and gold prices would have to be about 100 to 1000 times higher for confiscation to even begin to help plug the current government deficit, let alone pay the entire budget.

    The US annual budget is $3 trillion, and all the gold in all the world is barely $6 trillion.  The government would have to confiscate every single gram, ounce, and kilo of gold in the entire world, and it would barely fund the US government for two years, and then the government would be bankrupt all over again!  This is why gold cannot help our government, not at today's low gold prices and not at today's huge government size.

    Are "collector" coins not confiscable?  It's a common question.

    In reality, everything is confiscable, and nothing is confiscable.  Let me explain.

    In the legal sense of today's insane world, the US government has executive orders ready to be put into effect, that in the case of a national emergency, say they can confiscate your home, your car, your investments, and even your body to be put into government work camps.  Do you think that if you had collector coins, that you would be exempt from the work camps when the  time comes?  The only thing standing in the way of that is the second amendment, and the fact that too many of us own guns, and would never go for it.  So, in that sense, even your lawn chair and your bed sheets are confiscable, but not really, since they can try to take them, but won't get very far!

    On the other hand, in the Godly legal sense, nothing you own is confiscable, because your things belong to you, and nobody else.  It's absurd beyond reason that some government thugs, if they ever could get their hands on your gold, which they cannot, would go through it piece by piece, sorting out what they can take and cannot take.  Absurd beyond reason. 

    Finally, don't trust any sort of third party storage program, as even if they do have the gold, because then all of that will be the first to be confiscated if the government does issue a confiscation order.  And that's the only kind of gold that has ever been confiscated.

    One last point.  The issue of confiscation is a big issue to the billionaires of the world.  As individuals, they are easy to prosecute, or raid, or make an example of.  But I know one multi billionaire who has a security force of 80,000 different people, most of whom do not know one another, and can't be traced.  That billionaire is you, my collective readers.  Your gold and silver cannot be confiscated; you are too numerous, too well armed, and too well hidden among a nation of 80 million gun owners!

    Another big point that the Bible makes.  Righteous people, by their very presence in the world, end up restraining evil.  That's my reading of 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.

    The mere action of not buying into paper money fraud, and by buying real silver and gold, limits government tyranny via theft of people's money through the printing press.

    So, to sum up.  If you don't want the government to steal your wealth, get bullion gold close to the spot price.

    Our prices typically range from 5-10% over the spot price, which is much more reasonable than 15-100% premiums over the spot price.

    We run no scams.  We run no storage program, we offer no certificates, we offer no leverage programs.  When you call our staff, they will patiently answer your questions about all our bullion products, and help you place an order for real silver and gold that we will ship to you usually the same day that your wire transfer will arrive. Call us at =====

    I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

    JH MINT & Coin Shop
    13241 Grass Valley Ave
    Grass Valley, CA 95945
    (530) 273-8175

    Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
    Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
    Kerri handles internet phone orders:
    (530) 273-8822

    NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
    JH MINT Silver & Gold
    1760 Highway 49 A140
    Auburn, CA 95603
    (530) 889-1086

    You can also buy silver from my mom at
    Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

    3510 Auburn Blvd #12
    Sacramento, CA 95821


      Jason Hommel

      If you found this email useful, please Forward this email to your family and friends.

      This email was sent to by | | 13241 Grass Valley Ave | Grass Valley | CA | 95945

      Monday, May 7, 2012

      The Money Chart, 2012

      God Bless You!
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      The Money Chart, 2012

      (Potential Demand for Silver and Gold)

      Silver Stock Report

      by Jason Hommel, May 7th, 2012

      It's important to review the fundamentals from time to time.  It is important to not only study the current supply and demand for silver and gold, but potential demand.  This potential demand is the total amount of money and/or assets that could be sold to buy silver, and is reflected in this study.  Of the two, current vs. potential, I think potential demand is far more important, because it shows the potential change and likely change that will increase the value of silver.

      I published these figures in 2003, 2006, 2008, (links to prior years can be found here: ) and now here's another update in 2012.  Following each figure is the source and YEAR of the info.  The source and YEAR is very important.  Sometimes, the source is several years old, because this kind of data is hard to gather.  For many years, it was extremely difficult to source the world bond market size, or the size of total issued and printed money.  In my prior reports, I've seen many people re-post my work without listing a source which then makes it difficult for me to later track down current info, because when doing a google search, I encounter people just re-posting my data, without listing either the source or year!  Therefore, if you copy this data, please acknowledge this as a source, and link back to , and source the year!  The source is important not only for future research, but so you can verify the data, and see that I'm not making these things up.  There really are very many things that are completely over valued, especially when compared to real money, which is silver, and gold.  

      It should be noted that M3, a measure of money in the banks, was discontinued by the Federal Reserve a few years ago, probably because the number was increasing so fast, it was embarassing.

      For my European readers, or American readers who forgot the numerical definition of very large numbers.

      1,000,000,000,000: 1 Trillion dollars
             1,000,000,000: 1 Billion dollars
                    1,000,000: 1 Million dollars

      $708,000,000,000,000 (708 trillion)
      Amounts outstanding of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, end-June 2011, Table 19

      $70,000,000,000,000 (70 trillion)
      World GDP, Gross Domestic Product (annual) (2011, CIA)

      $69,900,000,000,000 (69.9 trillion)
      Domestic debt securities amounts outstanding, all issuers, Sept 2011, Table 16A

      $45,000,000,000,000 (45 trillion)
      World Market Capitalization of Listed Companies, 2011

      $28,700,000,000,000 (28.7 trillion)
      International Debt securities, all issuers, all countries, Dec. 2011 Table 11

      $15,700,000,000,000 (15.7 trillion)
      US National Debt (of the U.S. Government) May 7th, 2012

      $15,000,000,000,000 (15 trillion)
      US GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (Value of Annual Economy of the United States) 2011

      $12,200,000,000,000 (12.5 trillion)
      China Annual GDP (PPP) Purchasing Power Parity, 2012

      $9,000,000,000,000 (9 trillion)
      Total World Historical Gold Production up to 2012 
      170,000 tonnes (2012) x 32,151oz/tonne = 5,465,670,000 oz.

      $3,600,000,000,000 (3.6 trillion)
      U.S. Federal Spending -- Fiscal year 2011

      $3,200,000,000,000 (3.2 trillion)
      Estimated Annual World Oil Production, April 2012, est.
      90 million barrels/day, at $98/barrel x 365 day/year = $3,219,300 million = $3.2 trillion
      (side note, the world did NOT hit peak oil production at any time since 2005, when the world production was 78 million barrels/day)

      $1,600,000,000,000 (1.6 trillion)
      2011 Budget Deficit of the United States federal government -- Fiscal year 2011

      $1,400,000,000,000 (1.4 trillion)
      Total World Historical Silver Production up to 2012
      47 billion ounces, at $30/oz. = $1,410 billion (2008 annual yearbook)

      Note the switch from trillions to billions now.

      $532,000,000,000 (532 billion)
      Market Cap of Apple Stock
      (Note, when a company is "worth" more than all the gold that the nation has, I think that company is over valued.)

      $428,000,000,000 (428 billion)
      U.S. Official Treasury-Owned gold:
      261,498,899 ounces at $1640/oz. = $428 billion
      (not independently audited since before 1960's)

      $144,000,000,000 (144 billion) June 2011
      Silver Derivatives (Other Precious Metals)
      Amounts Outstanding of OTC (Over the Counter [non-reportable]) -- Commodity Linked Derivatives -- Table 22A

      $120,000,000,000 (120 billion)
      World 2010 Gold Production
      2500 tons x 29,167 troy oz/ton = 72,917,500 oz. x $1640/oz. = 119,584,700,000  -p.67

      $23,000,000,000 (23 billion)
      World 2011 Silver Mine Production:
      761.6 million ounces, at $30/oz. = $23 billion

      $3,000,000,000 (3 billion)
      World 2011 Silver Investment Demand
      100 million oz. x $30/oz. = $3 billion

      $1,200,000,000 (1.2 billion)
      USA 2011 Silver Eagle Coin Demand
      40 million oz. x $30/oz. = $1.2 billion

      Now, we move down from billions to millions

      $12,000,000 (12 million)
      Total estimated profit for all US Coin Dealers on selling Silver Eagles at 1% (after costs) of 1.2 billion

      $3000 (3 thousand)
      Total estimated annual profit per coin dealer for selling Silver Eagles:
      $12 million divided by 4000
      Total estimated coin dealers in the USA: 4000

      If selling silver coins with "high premiums" is a scam, it's the least costly scam in the monetary universe, in other words, selling honest silver as money is the most honorable business in the world.  In fact, it might just also be among the least profitable of businesses to enter. 

      You can look us up and call us at

      We are a small business, but a relatively large one in the gold and silver trade.  We think we might be among the top 20-30 coin dealers in the USA, based on business volume.  Most that are bigger require application forms or large minimum order sizes.   We also ship among the fastest, often faster than our suppliers, as we put product in the mail either the same day or the day after your wire transfer clears.

      Other sources:

      Market Cap of Total Public Companies, listed and sorted by largest national totals, 2011


      I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

      JH MINT & Coin Shop
      13241 Grass Valley Ave
      Grass Valley, CA 95945
      (530) 273-8175

      Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
      Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
      Kerri handles internet phone orders:
      (530) 273-8822

      NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
      JH MINT Silver & Gold
      1760 Highway 49 A140
      Auburn, CA 95603
      (530) 889-1086

      You can also buy silver from my mom at
      Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces. 

      3510 Auburn Blvd #12
      Sacramento, CA 95821


        Jason Hommel

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