Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Silver Stock Report: My Mom's Silver Shop

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My Mom's Silver Shop

(My Mom helps out!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, February 22nd, 2010

Allow me to introduce my mom, Joyce Espinosa.  I helped her get started selling silver over a year ago now, in the fall of 2008.  My younger brother, Randy Hommel, programmed her online website, www.momsilvershop.com.  My older brother, Terbo Ted, who ran for congress in 2008, also helps out with graphics and listing products from time to time.

I asked my mother to highlight some of her extra services that we don't provide at www.jhmint.com.

Here are the benefits of www.momsilvershop.com

1.  We take Paypal.
2.  We accept credit and debit cards from domestic buyers. Paypal or wire transfers from International buyers.
3.  We ship Internationally to any country serviced by FedEx and is legal to ship to.
4.  We accept Money orders for orders under $1000.
5.  We have no minimum purchase requirement.
6.  We have an interactive website that you can do it yourself without having to call in.
7.  If you do call in you get to talk to MOM!
8.  Mom is prettier than Jason!!!  LOL
9.  We give you shipping options of USPS or FedEx.
10. We accept personal checks from customers who have ordered from us at least 5 times. We ship after check clears.
11.  We will give suggestion of items to buy and ratios of products to own to new silver and gold investors.
12.  We buy your silver and coins for spot price & occasionally higher. Limits do apply.
13.  We stock unique items that Jason does not have, including Lydian mint items. 
14.  We stock jewelry mounts for coins.
15.  We stock coin supplies such as airtites to keep your silver looking great much longer.
16.  We will take special requests for unique items. If we can find it for you at a reasonable price we will get it for you.
17.  Mom has monthly coupon specials for free subscribers.
18.  Mom has sales on 4-8 products per month.

Please don't confuse mom with us.  Only www.momsilvershop.com provides those extra services.  Her organization is entirely separate from our organization.  We don't handle their customer service, and they don't handle our customer service.  We send smaller customer orders her way, and she occasionally sends larger customer orders our way.

I can't take the risk of credit cards, or money orders, on larger orders.  For our cheaper bullion prices, we can't effectively work with personal checks that take too long to process, nor money orders that can be fraudulently printed on home printers. 

I'm trying to encourage mom to open up a physical shop in Sacramento, CA.  If this would interest you as a potential buyer, you can contact mom with your support, here: mom@momsilvershop.com


Here's some funny, not real news:

U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just A Symbolic, Mutually Shared Illusion

Here's some real news, and just as interesting:

South Carolina Lawmaker Seeks to Ban Federal Currency


We tested a "suspect" 100 oz. bar at the jhmint today, because it did not ring right.  We cut it in half.  It was good!


If it does not ring, it does not mean it's not silver.  We disproved the "ring test" test as a myth.

Another quick and easy test for a 100 oz. silver bar is to take an ice cube, and to press it into the bar.  The bar will melt the ice surprisingly quickly, because the bar will distribute the latent heat in the bar to right under the ice.  The spot the ice touches will not get frozen cold, but only mildly cool, thus, continuing to melt the ice cube. 


As a major bullion dealer, our goal is low prices, and we balance that out with the best customer service that we can reasonably give, given the needs of our business. 

We made some new "Don't Tread On Me" silver rounds.  We have about 1000 of them, they are proof like, very shiny.

Today, we lowered prices by about 1/2 of 1% on all of our items.  I have continued to look for a source of 1 oz. Silver American Eagles, but I cannot find a source, so those are priced about 15% higher than normal, as we must try to ration our current supply of about 2000 silver Eagles that we have left.

This is why I like to remind people, buy silver "at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can".


I strongly advise you to get real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.

Price Board:

Our Coin Shops are open 10AM to 5PM Pacific, Monday to Friday
100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only! 
Janelle (530) 913 0553 silver_support1@vzw.blackberry.net

JH MINT & Coin Shop, Grass Valley, CA 
(530) 273-8175

Rocklin Coin Shop, CA, 15 min north of Sacramento

Or visit www.momsilvershop.com
(Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces of silver, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.) 


Jason Hommel

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silverstockreport.com | 13241 Grass Valley Ave | Grass Valley | CA | 95945

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Silver Stock Report: How You can Help

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How You can Help

(Reach out with Love, Love, Love!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, February 18th, 2010

I sent a message to Jesse Ventura, former Governor of the State of Minnesota,

He's the Author of the book, "Don't Start the Revolution Without Me", and host of the new TV Show, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.

I sent the following message to the TV show, here:

The biggest conspiracy of all is paper money. They keep its value alive by suppressing the prices of gold and silver by manipulating the precious metals market prices to be lower than they would be. This manipulation has been "in retreat" for the last ten years, as the bull market in metals has continued over that time. But there are limits on the amount gold is "allowed" to go up in one day, to keep excitement down. They divert investment demand away from physical by providing paper alternatives such as: over the counter derivatives, ETFs or exchange traded funds, futures contracts, options, silver and gold certificates, etc. This is an open conspiracy, it's acknowledged, but you have to know where to look. The BIS, the bank of international settlements, has a report showing that the over the counter "other precious metals", or silver, derivatives increased by $107 billion in 6 months, which is 20 times the size of world annual silver production. I'd love to tell you more, and point you to all the real experts in the precious metals community who would all love to go on the record about this, the biggest and most important of conspiracies, that will eventually bankrupt nearly everyone who does not own physical gold and silver.


We are more likely to get Jesse Ventura to cover the silver and gold markets, if many of you also send in similar messages.  Please follow the link


to send your own message to encourage them to cover this issue.  This is how bull markets grow.  Convincing people, one at a time, especially people who then have the capacity to convince more people.

It's been said that Governors make good Presidents because they can't run deficits, because they don't have access to a printing press to cover budget problems.  So Jesse must be far more aware of the money issue than most people. 

He probably does not have many people asking him to cover it though.  After all, if there are only 1 in 1000 even interested enough to actually buy silver and gold, that's not much of an audience to pander to.  Thus, your messages are extremely important, as it will help to convince the former governor that there might actually be an audience for this topic.

I've already discovered that there is a ready market out there, who would buy gold and silver, if they only knew where to go to get it.


Here is a very funny report, showing why gold is not in a bubble; because the gold market is entirely unlike the housing market.

from a comment posted to zerohedge.com

A gold bubble? That would be terrific, thank you. Please let me know when
we have the following in place:

A $250K/$500K capital gains tax exemption on gold (as opposed to taxing
all capital gains in gold at the higher short-term tax rate, regardless of
how long it's been held).

A "President's Working Group on Gold Markets" to support the gold market
in the event of sudden sell-offs.

A tax deduction for interest on margin debt used to buy gold.

A "Federal National Gold Association" and "Government National Gold
Association" who use taxpayer money to purchase margin debt used to buy

Thousands of government boondoggles at the federal, state, county, and
city level to promote "The American Dream of Gold Ownership".

It should be possible to buy physical gold, or to go long on gold futures,
on 0% margin. There should be thousands more government programs to "help
people keep their gold" and prevent repossession of physical gold when
buyers default on their payments.

A "National Association of Goldsters" who collect a 6% commission on all
gold sales and whose sole purpose in life is to chant "They're not making
any more gold", "Gold never goes down", and "Buy gold now or be priced out
forever". This NAG should be one of the most powerful lobbies in America,
and their members should be quoted by the media as though they (1) are
disinterested parties and (2) know a fucking thing about economics, or,
for that matter, anything else.

Individual retirement plans and pensions invested wholly in gold, so that
supporting the price of gold becomes a matter of national security. Any
hint of a gold price crash should lead to congressional hearings and SEC

Anyone who shorts gold futures should be decried as "un-American" and a
cowardly leech who profits off others' misfortunes and deserves to be
destroyed by short squeezes. Most importantly, anyone who complains that
gold is overpriced should be derided as a "bitter fiater" who missed the
rally and, furthermore, can't get laid.


How funny.  Sad, but true. 

I can even add a few more:

Loans of up to 125% of the gold value, to buy gold.

Loans available to anyone with a job, mandated by a government sponsored entity, so that anyone could buy at least $100,000 worth of gold, and be given a loan of up to $125,000 to buy that gold.

People don't really recognize why housing is in a bubble, they don't understand the impact of so many price supports. 

Some people are saying that housing prices will "come back to earth".  No way.  Housing prices will go much lower, into the depths of hell!  Why?  Because markets move in cycles.  Overvalued things become undervalued.  A "fair value" means that housing should typically always sell below the cost to build it.  After all, an old house has all the same problems as an old car, you have to continue to fix things that break down and decay.  Therefore, undervalued housing sells for far, far below the cost of construction.  It might take a while to get there, but remember, sometimes, the cycle length is quite long.

You can also help by sending along key reports to your family and friends.  Many people on my newsletter tell me that they began reading it because of a recommendation from someone in their own family, or a close friend.

Here is my introduction to gold and silver markets; a brief discussion of the supply and demand fundamentals, and the inherant monetary properties of the metals themselves:


Here's a few other articles that cover so much:

Why I got into silver December 17th, 2009

Why Silver will be a Better Investment than Gold November 17th, 2009

Ok, one more, here's where Greenspan admitted he was wrong!

Greenspan Misapplied Free Market Theory October 23rd, 2009


I strongly advise you to get real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.

Price Board:

Our Coin Shops are open 10AM to 5PM Pacific, Monday to Friday
100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only! 
Janelle (530) 913 0553 silver_support1@vzw.blackberry.net

JH MINT & Coin Shop, Grass Valley, CA 
(530) 273-8175

Rocklin Coin Shop, CA, 15 min north of Sacramento

Or visit www.momsilvershop.com
(Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces of silver, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.) 


Jason Hommel

In case you miss an email, check the archives:


If you found this email useful, please Forward this email to your family and friends.

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This email was sent to silverstockreport@gmail.com by j@silverstockreport.com.

silverstockreport.com | 13241 Grass Valley Ave | Grass Valley | CA | 95945

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Silver Stock Report: Refuting the Naysayers - Phoenix Speech

God Bless You! Just in case you missed the link to this speech in my last email, here is the entire speech. This should be mandatory reading for every marketing department for everyone in the industry who sells silver or gold, because these are the most popular concerns people have to not buy silver or gold, and they must be addressed. And I have.
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Refuting the Naysayers - Phoenix Speech

(Presented in Phonenix, Feb 4th!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, February 8th, 2010

(Note, many people are asking me about today's dip.  I have no idea what drives silver in the short term, other than excessive paper trading, as I have noted in many past reports, such as can be found here: 
A Tribute to 7th Grade Math August 31, 2008

Currently, our wholesale supplier is out of Silver Eagles, which just broke record sales for 2009, and even greater sales for the first month of 2010.  We are rationing our remaining silver Eagles with higher than normal costs over spot prices.)  Currently, our sales at www.jhmint.com are at all time highs.

Have you ever tried to convince your friends and family to buy gold and silver?  Of course you have, and of course it did not go well, or you had to literally nag them for over a year to get them to act.  I know, because my readers tell me.

This was my main presentation for the Phoenix show:

I surveyed my readers, and 112 readers responded who all gave me feedback on what people said to them as they tried to convince their friends and families to buy gold.  I summarized the naysayers comments and so-called reasons, or excuses, that they gave to avoid buying silver or gold.

It is very interesting to know what "the other side" is saying, and thinking.  Their arguments should be closely scrutinized to see if there is any validity to the bearish arguments for gold.

Some of my readers had no response to some of the reasons the naysayers had for not buying gold.  So here are some of the things I would say, if I was part of the conversations with the naysayers, to help convince them to buy silver and gold.

Some of what the naysayers say is just silly.  But this entire issue is deadly serious.

TOO HIGH NOW: Gold and Silver are just too high/expensive now at "all time highs", a "bubble",  and perhaps they are bearish on the metals in the short term,waiting for a dip, or staying away, thinking it will crash.    Similar: Regret Wish I bought it cheaper, thinks it's too late now.   
--25 total

    --Gold is far below the TRUE all time "inflation-adjusted
  highs" which would be about $7000/oz.

2 ways to adjust for inflation:
government cpi
money creation inflation

HOW TO SELL?:  They are concerned about when, where, how to sell it, (confused about exit strategy), what will it buy, especially if cash becomes worthless, then who could afford to buy gold and silver to keep the price up?   OR: Gold and Silver are not liquid enough, You can't spend, or buy anything with them by using them as currency.  
21 total

--You can always sell or trade gold or silver at any
  time to any gold dealer anywhere in the world, they are the
  most liquid assets in the world, a perfect store of value.

How's that housing market going for you?  Not too liquid now, is it?
How are those defaulted bonds going for you, now that major portions of the bond market have frozen over?

CRAZY GOLD BUGS:  Gold bugs are nuts, weird.  OR: Those promoting gold and silver are not credible.   19 total

We are not making stuff up; the bullish argument is from government numbers:

  --The Fed admits it is creating money at all time
  highs, that the US federal annual budget is about $3
  trillion, yet all the gold in all the world ever mined in
  all of human history is valued at a mere $5 trillion.

How about those crazy real estate brokers pushing housing?  Now that's crazy.

CLUE LESS:  They admit they don't understand metals.   No time to go buy it  or research it.   
18 total

First, this is not an argument against gold at all.

Classic proof that we are not in a bubble, especially if this is the 4th most common retort.

    --You don't need to research gold for over a year before
  you buy it, you just need to get some now.  NOW!

SHUT UP:  Please stop talking about it.   They don't have the attention span to listen.  Or: They don't want to think about the bad stuff.  
17 total

It's not really an argument against buying gold.
That's like saying, "I"m sinking in quicksand, please don't throw me a branch".

PRICE CHANGES:  Don't like the volatility or uncertain & risky price changes.  (It's a gamble). 
17 total

Don't like uncertainty?  What about uncertain home prices?  What about uncertain futures of companies that go bankrupt, like Enron or GM?  What about bonds that default and go to zero?

    --Gold is not a promise!  It's solid, reliable,  & real.  And has been real for the entire history of humankind.

GOVERNMENT WILL FIX IT: They think stocks/housing/economy will come back.  The government will provide.   
14 total

UH, the economy will come back, after the fraud has been wrung out of the system, well after the gold bull run is done.  That's what happened in 1980.

SILENCE:   Deer in the Headlights / No answer / ignore it.  13

Ah, this is not an argument, is it?  For those of us who are trying to convince people, we ought to remember that when a person "does not answer", it might just be that they are learning to think for the very first time, and it takes a while to get those mental gears going.  We ought to be patient.

I'M BROKE:  No money to buy it,  I need to save, can't afford the luxury of gold, got to pay down debt first 
12 total

Funny that people say they have to pay down debt first.  Interesting.  How is that going to happen when there is $2 trillion in cash in the banking system, and $20 - 30 trillion in total debt to pay off?  Not going to happen.  What is more likely to happen is that gold will go to $50,000/oz., and that the world's gold stock of 5 billion oz. of gold increase in value from $5 trillion, where it is today, and increase to $250 trillion.  Then debt can be paid off.

BAD BROKERS:  Financial advisor talked them out of it.  9

Well, that wasn't too smart was it?  One thing to ask people is if your broker is bearish on gold, ask the broker when they were ever bullish on gold.  IE, if they missed the first ten years of this constant bull market, then they are clueless and not a reliable source of information.

Furthermore, all established brokers have an economic incentive to keep you out of gold.  If you buy it, they can't earn any commission on your account.  Gold does not pay them, it only pays you.  Gold puts them out of business.

MIGHT BE STOLEN: No place to put it, it might be stolen, too difficult to buy a safe. OR, Worried about paying taxes on the capital gain, or outright confiscation. 
9 total

Anyone who can afford gold, can afford to spend a tiny fraction on the appropriate sized vault.  Even if you only have one gold coin, you can afford a wallet.  If you can afford 10 gold coins, you can afford a small lock box, etc.

Metals don't pay a dividend or interest.  6

Metals don't have to.  Only inferior investments with higher risk need to promise a higher return.  But do they?  Bonds pay 1-4%, and gold is going up 17% per year for the last 10 years!

Bonds pay interest, and stocks pay dividends because they must compete with gold as an investment.

That competition keeps us all honest.  Even most of the mining stocks have not kept pace with metals over the last 3 years.

No leverage in physical.  A 100% or more gain in non-leveraged physical metal is not enough to be worth it to improve their life.  5 total

Physical IS highly leveraged.  Banks practice fractional reserve "bullion holding", and that creates leverage for physical holders.

If gold can exceed $50,000/oz., that's leverge of 50 to 1.  If gold can exceed a million per oz. with hyperinflation, that's leverage of 1000 to 1.  If gold can go to infinity dollars per oz., as all dollars and all leveraged promises crash and burn, then the leverage in gold is near to infinity, and thus the most highly leveraged investment you could possibly buy, except sivler, of course.

You can't eat gold, I'd rather buy food.  4

Good, buy food first.  And guns! But after $10,000 of food, you may wish to consider the metals.  $1 million of food is probably too much food, but not too much metals!  The best part of gold is that you can't eat it, thus, high gold prices don't cause starvation for the rest of the world! 

Media coverage:  Too much. (1)  Too little (1)  Too confusing (2)  4 total

Whatever.  Until most of the media in this nation is owned by Barrick and Newmont, we are not in a bubble.  Did you know that the Hearst Newspaper empire and Hearst Castle, was founded by the son of a man who made it in silver mining?

Gold is an archaic or barbarous relic.  4

Relics are valuable, which is why they are kept with tight security in museams.

They are too educated to buy "useless" gold that "does nothing".  4

God keeps men honest.  Honesty is a good thing, and provides for your future.  It boils down to two things.  You can trust your future to gold, or you can rely on the promises of other men.  As long as men on earth know how to lie, I think gold is a good thing.

Being greedy is bad.  3

I agree.  Let's shoot everyone who wants greater than 1% return in bonds; they are greedy usurers who should be put to death.  Just kidding, I have more tolerance than that, and I don't believe in using force on others.

But the point is that gold investors are not greedy, bondholders are, but they are both greedy and stupid, while gold investors are honest and wise..

If silver and gold are so great, why have they not kept pace with inflation since 1980?  4 (Bloomberg was one)

But that's why they are great!  As a recent underperformer, it stands to reason that it will outperform at some point.  But, in fact, if you go back to 1971, gold has outperformed everything else since then, and stands to continue to do so, until most of the fraud has been wrung out of stocks and bonds.

How does gold have any value at all?  2

It's rare, and fits all the criteria that money must have.  Money must be a unit of account, a medium of exchange, and a store of value.  To be those things, money must have a number of specific properties that silver and gold alone have. 

Silver is too heavy.  2

Great!  That means you get so much for your money, and means it's cheap.  If you would rather pay twice as much for your silver, so it will have half the weight, I'd be happy to overcharge you!   The point that silver is heavy is good, this keeps other buyers away right now, which proves again, that it is cheap!

The Lord will provide.  2

I agree!   The Lord has provided silver and gold for us.  If we don't accept his provision, then we have nobody to blame but ourselves if we have chosen to trust in the frauds of men instead.

I'm locked into my IRA / 401k.  2

Anyone can put their IRA into the Central Fund of Canada, it holds 95% of its assets in silver and gold, you can buy it as easy as any other stock, the ticker is CEF, look it up.

Silver's just an industrial metal, and industrial demand will go down if the economy crashes.  1

Good argument.  If the economy crashes, it has to crash against something.  That something is gold and silver.  They have been going up, as investment demand has more than offset declining industrial demand.

"You can't take it with you".  1

I don't intend to.  I have silver to help delay my own death.  The more money I have, the longer I can live here on earth!  There is a direct correlation between wealth and long life.  The great depression of the 1930's greatly shortened the average lifespan, down to about 50-60 years.  Many people will die sooner than they should in the deepening depression, because they won't have any silver or gold to protect their wealth.  It's quite sad, and they won't be taking any paper dollars into hell with them into their early deaths.

Gold and silver are only just metals.  1

And cash, stocks, and bonds are all only just paper. 

Jesus is coming.  1

And are you saying you'd rather be caught as a usurer when He comes back? 

I'm making an argument between bonds and gold here, not between being a Christian and owning gold.  Being a Christian is not mutually exclusive with owning gold.  Actually if you believe in Jesus, it should be mandatory that you not put faith in the idolatry of paper money, and rather, trust in the provisions of God, like silver and gold, instead.

I'll wait until it becomes popular, then I'll buy it.  1

Oh Lord.  "A fool and his money..."

The dollar will never crash 1

Really?  It already has! 

The government is not that dumb.  1


It's a problem of the USA only.  1

Gold has been going up in all currencies over the last ten years, and other currencies are no better.

Gold and silver has been so disrespected and derided by the government and economists  1

Frightened about market manipulation.  1

Already sold gold jewelry.  1

So making one bad decision means you have to make another, and will prevent you from making a good decision?

I'm not a gold bug.  1

And believe it or not, I'm not a silver bug!  100 years ago, the silver bugs advocated government price fixing of 15:1 for silver to gold.  No free market advocate advocates government price fixing today!

Gold is a scam.  1

As opposed to the dollar, which is something honest?  Come on. 

They don't want to buy on a dip, because the metals are "trending down".  1

"Nobody ran around with bags of coins during Katrina, and therefore metal will never been used in times of crisis." 1

Katrina in New Orleans is not the kind of crisis we are predicting.  In a monetary crisis, it's a flood of dollars, not water. 

Why would they sell it if it's so great?  1

Do you think a salesman should rather sell crap?  I was personally drawn to silver, because I wanted to discover the greatest thing in the world, and then write about that.  Jesus, of course, is first, but silver is number two!

Why do I need it if you have some of it?  (Son to Father) 1

There's a silver VAT (value added tax) of 15-17%, plus a steeper markup in the UK than in the US. 1

Try having a revolution like we did in the USA over 200 years ago!

Money is not important.  1

Fine, give me all of yours!

I know someone who knew someone who lost so much when silver crashed from $50/oz. in 1980. 1

So you know that the inflation adjusted high is about $350/oz., but you still think silver can crash and lose another 95% from $15/oz.?

As interest rates rise, gold will fall.  1

OK, tell me when interest rates will get above 17%, and then maybe I'll consider selling some gold.  But to get to 17% interest rates, the bond market will crash, and you better be in gold until then.

How do you know it's real?  1

Would you like to buy some chocolate novelty "coins"?  $1200 each!  Oh, you would not be fooled by that?  Then you probably won't be fooled by electroplated silver coins either.  Silver is 1/2 the density of gold, and simply does not feel right. 

In conclusion, I didn't note any rational argument that shows that we should not buy silver or gold.  I just found a lot of misinformation, ignorance, thoughtlessness and general foolishness.  That's not a solid basis for making a sound investment decision.  Therefore, we must reject the bad notions of why we should not be buying silver and gold.  And thus, we ought to invest into silver and gold.  I've done just that, not only owning a lot of it, but I'm fully engaged in the trading of it, to help other people get into gold and silver, which people will probably do in much greater numbers in the future, which will drive this bull market and precious metals prices much higher.


I strongly advise you to get real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.

Price Board:

Our Coin Shops are open 10AM to 5PM Pacific, Monday to Friday
100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only! 
Janelle (530) 913 0553 silver_support1@vzw.blackberry.net

JH MINT & Coin Shop, Grass Valley, CA 
(530) 273-8175

Rocklin Coin Shop, CA, 15 min north of Sacramento

Or visit www.momsilvershop.com
(Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces of silver, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.) 


Jason Hommel

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silverstockreport.com | 13241 Grass Valley Ave | Grass Valley | CA | 95945

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Silver Stock Report: Phoenix Show Report / Refuting the Naysayers

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Phoenix Show Report

(Presented in Phoenix, Feb 4th!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, February 8th, 2010

I had a very fun time at the Phoenix show, especially meeting so many very long time readers, and re-meeting many people who I met at the show last year.

One of the interesting bits of "buzz" at the show was that Sprott Asset Management is looking to buy about $1 billion worth of physical gold in the near future.

Nobody was too concerned about the price dip that started on the evening of the first day of the show.

The best part of the Phoenix show, for me, was meeting Andrew Schiff, the brother of Peter Schiff, of Euro Pacific Capital, who manages about $3 billion in client assets, and has thousands of clients with certificates with the Perth Mint.  Sorry, Andrew laughed at being introduced as Peter's brother, I suppose it happens to him all the time.  But, Andrew, I'm giving you an opportunity to be known for something much more important.

It was extremely important, I feel, because of who Andrew is, and what he did not seem to know, and what he learned from me and many others at the show.

Andrew could become known for encouraging or speeding up the commercial signal failure in silver.  We have all long awaited a major delivery default that could cause a run on silver which could cause a major rise in price.  This is also known as a default, or a failure to deliver.

These are important events, because it is usually after such a major failure to deliver that the price of gold begins to really take off.

In 1934, the banks were crashing, no longer being able to give out the gold that backed their dollars.  Then, the US government stepped in, made it illegal to own large amounts of gold in the US, and then raised the fixed price of gold from $20/oz. to $35/oz.

In 1971, Nixon could no longer give out gold to foreigners at the fixed price of $35/oz.  So, once again, after that major failure to deliver, gold prices rose to $850/oz. by 1980.

A few years ago, I discovered delivery problems at the Perth Mint.  My readers told me stories of it taking 6 months or more to get about 10,000 ounces in silver from the mint.  This should not be.  Perth had $800 million in capital, from their silver and gold certificate program, which is to be used to facilitate such orders.  I began reporting the emails of these problems of my readers, to my readers, and the absurdity of them, given the size of Perth's capital, and I was flooded with up to 60 similar complaints from customers of the Perth Mint. 

The Perth Mint is no minor institution in the gold and silver world.  They have now issued up to $2 billion worth of silver and gold certificates through such dealers as Kitco, and Euro Pacific Capital.  Ostensibly, that capital is to be used to facilitate operations, and I believe it should be more than enough to fund the entire silver investment market, and thus, there should not be any delivery delays or failures from such a wealthy institution.

In fact, since I've been in business, we have not had any delivery delays or failures at all, and we have 1/1000th of the capital as the Perth Mint.

So I urged Andrew Schiff to look into the matter.  I shared with him the facts of the situation, and I introduced to him other knowledgeable people who had similar concerns about the Perth Mint, and all other sorts of paper silver investment products.

One of Andrew's concerns is the problem of "churning", or getting a client to sell something for something similar, as charging commissions on that seems unfair, and getting over 1000 client accounts to switch for free is no easy task. 

Actually, I implored Andrew to make this a priority; saying that if he looks into it, and saves his clients, and helps to cause a run on silver, he'll be a hero, and it can help all of his clients mining stocks to move up.  He exclaimed the danger of engaging in such "market manipulation".  I retorted, "How can it be manipulation if your clients are merely standing up for their rights and asking for their own property?"  In fact, instigating this can cause other bigger firms to make similar recommendations, which can lead people to question other forms of paper silver investment products, and cause further increases in the silver price.

I warned him that Perth Mint is part of the government, and thus beyond the jurisdiction of any prosecuting authority, except invasion by other nations and thus, it's the perfect entity to run a gold and silver scam.  On the other hand, investment advisors and investment firms are not immune from being sued when things run bad, and when scams are discovered.

What's ironic is that Peter Schiff appears to be on the side of the honest money movement.  Yet he facilitates and encourages people to hold their bullion with the Perth Mint, who, in my opinion is not honest and should not be trusted.

I was encouraged by Andrew's overall attitude.  He gave me his ear; he really listened.  He was interested, and he had questions.  But he said that he may not have any influence on his brother, even though he will bring it up at the next board meeting. 

His firm is planning on rolling out coins produced by the Perth Mint, and the goal is to be able to deliver in about 2-3 days.  I hope his business succeeds.  Supplying real silver to buyers is a very good thing.  But I think there will be problems; because Perth does not have a good track record according to the reports of my readers.

If you have ever had problems obtaining silver from the Perth Mint, please email your concerns to Peter Schiff and Andrew Schiff at Euro Pacific Capital, and/or email them to me, by replying to this email, or sending them to j@silverstockreport.com.  I suspect that there have been much less problems over the last year, but I don't know for sure.


You can find Peter and Andrew's emails at the contact page, under their "management" section, here:


I chatted with a good friend of mine until the wee hours of the night, until 3am.  I shared with him information about angioprim, and isometric exercises for his health.  He soaked it in, and shared with me stories about his time in our business.  My friend purchased some gold from us at our booth for a friend of his, a kind of rare gold that we don't have much demand for, which was nice for us. 

We sold about $21 k worth of silver at the show.  That, plus the rare gold sold, was not quite enough to pay for the $5000 booth and the air fares (dealing is a very competitive business), but we think we made up the difference in phone referrals to the JH MINT's "buy it now" phones.  Call to order:  JH MINT & Coin Shop, Grass Valley, CA (530) 273-8175.


I had an interesting discussion with Adrian Douglas about God.  Adrian is one of the smartest men in the business who writes commentary for lemetropolecafe that appears in the daily midas report.  Adrian says he read the whole bible when he was about 12, for school.  That kind of intellectual skills to require and allow that kind of reading demand is just not seen today, which is a pity.  Today, Adrian is 52. 40 years have passed.  I suggested that he just might get more out of reading the Bible a second time through, especially since it validates his current view of economics and warns of the dangers of usury, and both allows, and condemns the practice.


We roasted Bill Murphy of GATA.org in an evening roast.  It was a bit difficult, as none of us are comedians, but we tried.  Unfortunately for me, my self-deprecating roast was a only little funny, but daring, and it was caught on tape.

So several of us writers tried our best to pay an endearing tribute to a man who has done so much for the gold price, and so unappreciated or even unknown by the gold industry.  Bill remains one of the best kept secrets in the gold world; he just does not get enough respect, or press.  I read him daily at www.lemetropolecafe.com.


Here is the link to the text of my speech addressed to the audience in the main hall:

Refuting the Naysayers - Phoenix Speech

(Presented in Phoenix, Feb 4th!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, February 8th, 2010


My speech was received well.  Please review the text at the link above.


I strongly advise you to get real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.

Price Board:

Our Coin Shops are open 10AM to 5PM Pacific, Monday to Friday
100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only! 
Janelle (530) 913 0553 silver_support1@vzw.blackberry.net

JH MINT & Coin Shop, Grass Valley, CA 
(530) 273-8175

Rocklin Coin Shop, CA, 15 min north of Sacramento

Or visit www.momsilvershop.com
(Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces of silver, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.) 


Jason Hommel

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