Friday, October 30, 2009

Silver Stock Report: Fekete and Hugo Price Hinder Free Market Development

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Fekete and Hugo Price Hinder Free Market Development

(With "free market" advocates like these, we'll never return to honest money!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, October 29th, 2009

Sometimes well meaning "experts" do more harm than good.

Antal Fekete explains "free coinage of gold" -- to New Zealanders

Antal Fekete wants government to open their mints to the people, for free coinage of precious metals, to allow people to turn scrap gold, or newly mined gold, into gold coins for free.

Thus, he wants government to provide free (subsidized) services of four different businesses: assaying, refining, minting, and retail coin shops.

As he says, "the proper role of government is to provide coins for the realm".

He also wants no seigniorage nor any tax nor cost associated with such conversions.  Seigniorage is the extra value of precious metal in "official" coin form.

Antal is living in a fantasy land.

Government "help" can never be free.  Subsidies and bail outs always come at a cost, it's only a matter of who pays. 

What's especially troubling about Antal's advocacy is that government subsidies are inconsistent with free market theory!  

Since we handle three of those four services ourselves (all but refining) I think I'm qualified to speak on this topic.

Government bail outs are uneconomic, don't work, and always come at a much higher cost than when provided by businesses in a competitive free market.

Government minted Silver Eagles already cost more than privately minted 1 oz. rounds, showing that government is not providing the service better or cheaper than private industry already does.

Furthermore, the US government's current minting program sells retail "collectable" silver and gold to the public at the mint's web site, but only at extremely high prices.  The mint sells cheaper bullion to about 15 major wholesalers, who then re-sell to other dealers, like ourselves, who then sell to the public.  This private-industry re-sale market is more efficient, and less costly, than direct purchases from the US Mint.

Assaying gold, refining, minting, and selling retail gold coins are all businesses that involve advertising a place of business, hiring skilled employees, paying for equipment, installing security systems, and training skilled people.  Also, such businesses need to know how to offset the risks of price movements in the metal such as avoiding taking a short position in a bull market, and providing these services more efficiently than the competition.

Assaying requires a skilled and trained assayer making a quick and accurate estimated value of the underlying bullion.  That estimate must also include all such costs of the business, such as advertising, rent, salaries, time taken away from other customers, etc. 

One time, I needed to cover a silver order, and I was talking to some customers.  Due to my 10 minute delay, I lost $150, because the silver price went up.

It is simply impossible for any government or any entity to sustainably pay everyone 100% of the bullion value for their bullion.  Doing so would only create another government program that is open to being scammed and defrauded, at the ultimate cost to the taxpayers.

There are simply not enough real world resources, such as fire crucibles, to give every customer an individual 100% accurate fire assay, and it would be completely uneconomic to melt a single $25 pair of earrings in a special melting pot, which could cost well over $25 in energy just to melt, if melted individually, to obtain 100% accuracy.  100% accuracy would come at a loss of efficiency, and only businesses are able to understand this, and allocate resources to most appropriately meet these real world trade offs in the most efficient way.  In some cases, it might cost 100% or more to give a 100% accurate assessment, which could result in offering nothing to the customer, or costing the government everything.

We pay from between 60% to 85% of our estimated bullion value when we buy scrap gold, which is higher than all other locations that we have heard of in the Sacramento Area.  The difference is explained by the amount of time it may take to do an assay, and also by the accuracy of our assays, and also by the amount brought in by the customer.  If a customer can bring in over 5 ounces of gold, we are simply able to pay more.  If the quality of the gold is difficult to determine such as is the case with placer nuggets, or smaller 10k-18k jewelry items, we must offer less.  Scrap gold comes in many forms, with many contaminants, and refining is a real, added cost.

Refining is a separate business which must aggregate, or pool together, enough scrap or placer gold to melt them economically.  Our current refiner only works with established businesses like our coin shops, who will bring in repeat business of about 30-50 oz. of scrap gold per month.  Refiners operate on the slimmest of margins.  A man called us this week to sell us a new $1 million dollar machine to refine gold, so we could do our own refining, instead of using our current refiner.  I said, "Great, we can pay for that machine, given our current refiner's costs, in about 100 years!"  At $1 million in start up, compared to our current great prices from our refiner, it's just not economic for us to try to do it ourselves!

Minting coins is a business that today requires a minimum of 10 different machines and processes.  We have a pre-melt bucket, a continuous caster, a rolling mill, a slitter mill, a punching machine, a rimming machine, an annealing oven, a burnishing vat, die making machines, and stamping mills.  We are looking to buy a wrapping/tubing machine.  All of those machines cost money, the installation costs money, the rent costs money, employees cost money.  And we are still not yet set up to mint a single thing!  How can it be provided for free?

Bottom line is this:  Antal's position assumes that these services should be provided by government for free, or essentially, at prices substantially less than the prices charged by existing, sustainable, competitive businesses in the free market today.  Antal is thus claiming that the prices charged by businesses today are too high for his theoretically optimum scenario.  It he accusing these businesses today of price gouging?

If current assaying, refining, minting, and retailing prices are really too high, then Antal should go into the market, and provide those services cheaper than industry is already providing.  Go ahead Antal, start up your own scrap gold buying business if you think prices charged are too high.  Nobody is stopping you.  There is little government regulation, thank God, so the market is already free, and highly competitive in this area. 

Many investors who could provide these services instead choose to buy mining stocks, as real business involves real work!

But Antal should not claim to be a free market advocate, while asking for government intervention and subsidy.  That kind of rank hypocrisy can win no support from the public, who is sick of seeing government handouts, and can easily see they hypocrisy of a "free market" gold advocate who seeks government handouts.

The gold market does not need government welfare.  We need government to get out of the gold business, and stay out. 

What's especially ironic about Antal's position is that the government is already providing gold at "below market" costs, as they are dumping gold onto the market through the leasing of government central bank gold to bullion banks, who dump it into the market at opportune times, which is helping to manipulate prices lower than they should be.

In essence, Antal is already getting what he wants, that is to say, cheap gold provided on an uneconomic basis, but those of us who can see this correctly, are correctly identifying this as market manipulation, and we recognize that it is unsustainable, and is ending, which is leading to the higher gold prices we are seeing.


Another advocate of using precious metals as honest money is billionaire Hugo Salinas Price, in Mexico.  Here's some of his work:


Hugo wants the Mexican Central bank to provide a price quote that would be a virtual nominal currency value for a 1 ounce silver round, a value that will never go down, just as nominal values on notes and engraved values on coins never go down.  It sounds elegant at first glance.  Hugo maintains that this "price floor" for a silver coin is essential for helping it circulate as currency, since money holders should not be taking on the role of speculators.

But expecting to be able to ask the Mexican central bank for a favor that works against its own interests is self-defeating.  Would I ask any of my customers to shoot themselves in the foot?  Of course not!

Nobody expects the dollar, or any other currency, to "never move down" compared to other currencies of the world!  There might be an exception.  True, China is trying to let the value of their currency "only move up" against the dollar, but this is after they already devalued their own currency by 40% against the dollar a few years ago.  Such attempts are normally and appropriately called price fixing, and are widely recognized as totally contrary to free market principles. 

Nobody should expect society to return to free market money by violating free market principles!

Why should silver investors, or silver holders, get a government guarantee that the nominal value of the silver coins they hold will never go down?  No other investor gets such a guarantee.  No other currency holder gets such a guarantee.  Why should silver investors be so special? 

Hugo is just another billionaire looking for a government hand out or bail out. 

When silver is already the lowest valued thing on earth you can buy, value for value, why would a "price support" system even be necessary?

The problem here is that asking for government intervention hinders what Hugo could already be doing if he simply decided to do it himself.

Hugo could already mint his own 1 oz. rounds privately.  He could reduce the spread if he wants, all on his own.   He owns a chain of Mexican electronics stores, and he could sell 1 oz. privately minted rounds emblazoned with his own store's logo, and he could sell the coins at 10% over spot, and even accept them at up to 10% over spot, or 9% over spot, or whatever he may choose, in return for his store merchandise.

But he will never even think to develop his own plan, as long as he wastes his time and money on seeking a handout from the Mexican government.  Or, as he said to me a few years ago in his own words, "It's too late in the game now to try and change tactics.  I've already gotten so many on board with the current plan, I don't want to confuse anyone."

And so, his refusal to change, and his insistence on seeking government handouts, prevents the actual implementation of real world silver as money that could be issued by his own stores directly, within a few weeks! 

No government is preventing Hugo Salinas Price from issuing silver as money. 

No government is preventing Antal Fekete from buying scrap gold as from the public.

Both of these men are hindered only by their own hypocritical cries for government intervention.

Two warnings:

The firearms manufacturing industry, after WWII, fearing the dumping of surplus military weapons onto the market, pushed for gun restrictions, or "government protection" for their businesses, as if they didn't make enough money during the war years!  Today, those gun restrictions have mutated into nearly destroying the firearms industry who has been beset with lawsuits for selling "assault" weapons.

Another story:  Over 100 years ago, silver advocates pushed for a government handout.  They wanted the silver price to be guaranteed to be set at a 15 to one ratio with gold.  Western states wanted to be able to pay their debts with silver.  This would be price fixing, completely contrary to free market theory, and would have cost the government their entire gold hoard.  The compromise?  Silver advocates (Democrats) lost to Republicans, who demonetized silver, and made the paying of all debts greater than $5 due in gold only.  The 'gold standard' advocates ended up being the champions of the banking industry, who eventually demonetized gold as well.

Moral?  Government subsidies backfire!  They always do.

Yes, I advocate silver and gold to be used as money, as Hugo and Antal do.  But I'm not asking for the government to do anything.

I'm doing it.

I'm using silver and gold on a daily basis.  We buy scrap and sell to a refiner.  We have coins minted.  We sell bullion to the public. 

I'm helping people to use gold and silver as a form of savings, since I sell it to them.  I'm helping others liquidate it, both of which help to monetize it.

Nearly every day I explain to people why we can pay 99% of the spot price for a gold Eagle, but only 60% to 85% of the spot price for jewelry.  One is fungible, the other is not.  One is money, the other is not.  One is similar enough to be like any other similar piece of gold as to be easily exchangeable and interchangeable.  The scrap stuff is not.  Scrap must be assayed, then refined, then minted, and then it can be sold in a coin shop (yes, at one more small mark up), as a stable form of money.

Warning, numismatic silver and gold items are not fungible, despite the claims of many numismatic dealers who attempt to make them fungible with quote books, and grading slabs, etc.  It can cost up to $60 just to grade a silver Eagle.  What a rip-off market!  if you spend $300,000 on numismatic investments you "ARE" the numismatic market!  It's a horrible trap.

Those who ignore the danger of non-fungible gold have to pay the price. 

Asking government to pay, really just gives the government a license to steal from others to be able to pay for it.  Gold and silver stand in the way of such government theft, if properly used and understood.

Besides, when silver was money in the USA, the markup on silver coinage was up to 400%.  The government bought silver for 29 cents per oz., and turned it into $1.40 of coinage!  ($1 of 90% silver coinage contains .72 of an oz. of silver.  $1.40 x .72/oz. = 1 oz.). 

So if the government gets into this game of "FREE" coinage, you will likely trade 1 oz. of scrap silver to the government, and get maybe a 1/5th of an oz. of silver back in an "official" silver piece!  That's not free at all!


You can turn your 1000 oz. bricks of silver into fungible and usable 1 oz. silver rounds, by contacting in LA.  They are not affiliated with us, but they are one of our trusted suppliers.

For $.75/oz., they can make bricks of silver into commonly recognized, easily assayed, easily tradeable, easily exchangeable, one ounce rounds.

If you want them to pay to ship to them your 1000 oz. silver bars by Fed Ex, the cost is $.85/oz.

They have been doing hundreds of conversions of these bars in the last few months, which, to me, means they are helping the national silver supply play "catch up" for when the world ran out of silver rounds in 2008 last year, and only had 1000 oz. bars available.

Phone 909-792-5756

Golden State Mint asked us to wait 1 week to manufacture 2000 rounds that we ordered today.  Often, they can deliver immediately!

Sometimes, a true free market advocate, like me, hinders his own business, in the pursuit of truth and free markets, and for the best deals for the customer.  Why would I advertise my competitor?  Because I think there will be more than enough business for us all.  And, like Fekete, I do recognize that minting is a valuable service that is desperately needed by the world if the world is going to use silver and gold as money.  Besides, my mint is still not yet up and running, so I pose no competition as of yet.

But we have over 20,000 oz. of silver, and over 100 oz. of gold for sale for immediate delivery.


I strongly advise you to get real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.

Call us today.

Yes, we sell silver, and gold at the JH MINT! 
Buy it now! Buy Silver or Gold Now!
Inventory & Price List

Call the JH MINT, 10AM to 5PM Pacific, Monday to Friday:
100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only! 
(530) 273-8175
Janelle (530) 913 0553

Active, live price quotes list:


Jason Hommel

In case you miss an email, check the archives:

Or visit
(Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

If you are in Northern California, see:
Rocklin Coin Shop
4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Silver Stock Report: Greenspan Misapplied Free Market Theory

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Greenspan Misapplied Free Market Theory

(My Comments on "Frontline; The Warning")

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, October 23rd, 2009

Thanks to my wife, God bless her, I watched "Frontline: The Warning" night before last.  It aired on Oct 20th, 2009.  You can view it online, here:

There are 679 comments on it already.

The show is about "the warning" given by Brooksley Born, who, while acting as Chair for the CFTC (the commodities Futures Trading Commission), warned of the dangers of "black box," "over the counter" derivatives.  After she was shut up by Congress and Alan Greenspan, 6 weeks later, LTCM (Long Term Capital Management) blew up in early 2000.

Frontline shows that Greenspan was one of Ayn Rand's top students, who believed in a philosophy that government is the problem, and that markets are the solution, and thus, self-regulating.

Frontline shows the absurd conclusion of Greenspan's philosophy when it showed that Greenspan invited Born to a meeting, where Greenspan said something like, "I suppose you think fraud should be regulated.  I don't."  He thought the market would figure it out.

Shockingly, the film shows Greenspan painfully admitting that his philosophical views that he held for 40 years were wrong.  He does not elaborate.  Perhaps he's still not exactly sure where he went wrong. 

Perhaps I can help.

Being familiar with Ayn Rand's free market views, here's where I believe Greenspan went wrong.

Greenspan tried to apply the views of an atheist, Ayn Rand.

IN MY OPINION, Greenspan tried to let markets be free, but Greenspan did not understand the basic definition of markets, or freedom.

In my opinion, markets are where things are traded, not where people are traded by entering into contracts.

Markets are where multiple sellers compete with multiple buyers, in the open, and trade, and walk away, free to choose another trading firm tomorrow.

Black box, over the counter, derivatives, are not markets, even if they ever do trade in the open.

The spot market is like freedom.  Futures contracts, and OTC derivatives, are like slavery.

In my opinion, futures contracts, like debt contracts, lead to compulsory performance, and thus slavery.  And slavery is the exact opposite of freedom!  That's Greenspan's big error, the failure to see that slavery is the opposite of freedom!

Again, as an example, allowing people the freedom to trade slaves does not promote freedom, it promotes slavery! 

Allowing banks to enslave people with too much unpayable home loan debt is a fruit of that error. 
Allowing banks to enslave one another so that if one topples, they all topple, is another fruit of that error. 
Allowing people to enslave banks to perform what they cannot, so that they "need" bailouts, is another fruit of that error.

The Bible teaches us that "the borrower is the servant to the lender".  Proverbs 22:7

The Bible teaches us that usury leads to slavery.  See the Bible book of Nehmiah Chapter 5.

The Bible teaches us that usury is extortion, force, oppression, evil.

Before emailing me to ask where the bible says that, please see my two essays on usury, earlier this year:

And see my essays here, too:

  1. 666: Mark of the Beast 1998
  2. Gold and Silver in Bible Prophecy December, 2001
  3. The Great Harlot of Rev 17-18 is Jerusalem, & what that means.  October, 2002
  4. Usury Enslaves Jan 19, 2004
  5. Freedom from Usury Jan 23, 2004
  6. Bible Verses on how to Manage Money November, 2005
  7. The Use of Paper Money Violates All of the Ten Commandments July 2, 2006
  8. The Stumbling Block of their Iniquity April 9, 2008
  9. Biblical Political Positions February 7, 2009
  10. The Pre-Rapture Gold Gathering August 17th, 2009

God gives strict limits on the practice of usury, as an Israelite cannot lend to his fellow Israelites, and all loans are supposed to be forgiven every 7 years, and all slaves set free. 

The failure to observe those limits results in God punishing mankind.  Jesus set us free from the curse of the law, but that curse will come to a final fruition during a future time called the 7 year tribulation.

Even an Excel spreadsheet, basic modern math, shows the absurdity of unchecked compounding over time.

The solution to the problem of how government should be regulating contracts that are entered into in the marketplace, or in "black box" non transparent "over the counter" party to party transactions, is God given.

No debt terms longer than 7 years, and the 7th year should be well known to all the land.

Beyond 7 years long, God has declared that all contracts are invalid.  Government should merely do the same.

Politically, contracts exceeding 7 years should be clearly unenforceable by any government, and it should be government's responsibility to well publicize that they will not be aiding the enforcement of any fraudulent and invalid contracts that exceed 7 years in length.

Implications:  You should not lend to your bank for longer than 7 years!  All of society should withdraw all funds from all banks on the 7th year!  What year is the 7th?  Good question.  I don't know. 

Shocker to me:  While I knew that Alan Greenspan was Ayn Rand's disciple, I did not realize the extent to which those in power thought they were "free market" devotees.  I tended to think Greenspan had repudiated his former beliefs, or become corrupted, or was in a conspiracy.  No, he was just misinformed, mistaught, uninformed, and misapplied the application of free market theory.

Further implications:  The world is further away from understanding usury than I thought.  If even the man who set interest rates did not seem to know what usury was, or how it worked, or why it was evil, then how much more does the rest of society need to learn. 

After ten years of teaching online, I feel that the world may never learn about the dangers of usury.  However, I know that prophetically, I'm wrong.  The world will wake up when the ten kings of the earth turn on the Great Harlot who practices usury, to destroy her.  Unfortunately, they then give their power over to the Antichrist, the 8th beast, who brings his own world government monetary solution, the "mark of the beast" of Revelation 13.

Revelation 17:
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Interestingly, the Antichrist confirms a covenant with many, for 7 years.  (Daniel 9:25-27)

Daniel 9: 25 "Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven 'sevens,' and sixty-two 'sevens.' It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two 'sevens,' the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing  of the temple  he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.

Speaking of the Antichrist. 

One of my readers who is following the "natural born citizen" Obama birth saga was entirely unfamiliar with Orly Taitz, but he knew of another source:

I replied, "Well, with the media blackout and continued misinformation on this subject, it's hard to find the information."  So, I re-publish his link here.


Bible critics continually tell me that the Bible is used as a tool of oppression.  Of course it is!  The Bible itself warns about that, they are called wolves in sheep's clothing, false prophets, deceivers, the blind leading the blind, and worse! 

Once again, I had a blind spot, and must correct, otherwise I become a blind guide.

Yesterday, I reported, in error, reporting requirements in selling bullion. 

Here are the reporting requirements & amount limits:  (IF TRIGGERED, THE DEALER MUST REPORT A 1099 TO THE IRS)

Gold bars (any size bars totaling 1 kilo -- 32.15 troy ounces -- or more)
Gold Maple Leaf's (25 ounces or more)
Gold Krugerrands (25 ounces or more)
Gold Mexican Onzas (25 ounces or more)
Silver bars (1,000 ounces or more)
U.S. 90 percent silver coins, pre-1965 ($1,000 face value or more)
Platinum bars (25 ounces or more)
Palladium bars (100 ounces or more)

Thank you to Andrew Schectman, bullion dealer at for alerting me to the error.

And thank you to for providing a web page containing this information.

And thank you to Sean Wright (1-800-686-2237 Ext 320), bullion dealer at for explaining why certain gold coins are exempt, because they were introduced after the reporting law was made.  "There are NO reporting requirements no the sale of Gold Eagles and Philharmonics, as they started being minted after the reporting law was made in 1984."

Note, there are no reporting requirements on Gold Eagles, or Gold Philharmonics, or Gold numismatic coins.

There are also no reporting requirements on Silver Eagles or Silver Rounds.



I was alerted by more than one reader about:

Apparently, you can spend your IRA money, and be the custodian yourself, of gold bullion, which you can keep in your own vault!

That's info your current IRA custodian probably does not want you to know!

There might still be risks associated with this plan, if the US government forces IRA holdings to invest in sinking T-Bills, as they have talked about.


Two new UK bullion sources for privately minted 1 oz. rounds:

There is a 15% VAT for sales in the UK.


The Bible says that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty!  And I believe it! 

A better way, better than limiting contracts to a maximum of 7 years, is to voluntarily avoid all such contracts altogether!  That's my liberty to try to remain free!

In our business we always strive to limit all of our contracts to no more than a few days.  We strive to work with sellers who deliver as fast as possible, and we also try to deliver immediately!  And we do pride ourselves in our ability to deliver fast as possible.


I strongly advise you to get real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.

Call us today.

Yes, we sell silver, and gold at the JH MINT! 
Buy it now! Buy Silver or Gold Now!
Inventory & Price List

Call the JH MINT, 10AM to 5PM Pacific, Monday to Friday:
100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only! 
(530) 273-8175
Janelle (530) 913 0553

Active, live price quotes list:


Jason Hommel

In case you miss an email, check the archives:

Or visit
(Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

If you are in Northern California, see:
Rocklin Coin Shop
4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677

If you found this email useful, please Forward this email to your family and friends.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Silver Stock Report: Risks of Silver in an IRA

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Risks of Silver in an IRA

(Confiscation, bankruptcy, & theft risks!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, October 22nd, 2009

A summary of the main risks:

1.  Custodian theft risk
2.  Custodian bankruptcy risk
3.  IRA rule change risk
4.  Confiscation by government risk
5.  Third party common theft risk
6.  Lack of IRA benefits risk
7.  ETF custodian risk
8.  ETF sponsor risk
9.  Confiscation by government risk

1.  Custodian theft risk - All IRA money must be held by a broker, who is the custodian of the IRA account.  If you keep up with the news you occasionally hear of brokers who clean out client accounts, and disappear.  The largest of such thefts are in the Billions.

2.  Custodian bankruptcy risk - The company that is the IRA custodian may go bankrupt.  In theory, IRA accounts are safe from such bankruptcy, but only if the custodian was playing by the rules.  Companies go bankrupt also, and drain their own employee 401k accounts, too.

3.  IRA rule change confiscation risk - The Federal Government, early last year, was contemplating forcing investors to put IRA money into government bonds, "for the safety of the investor" of course. 

4.  Confiscation by government risk - At present prices, a government confiscation order of silver or gold seems unlikely, due to the relative size of the markets.  IE, the $1-2 billion silver investment market is too small to signify anything to the budget of the USA government. 

Furthermore, it's unlikely given that the government continues to mint and sell Silver Eagles and Gold Eagles, which can be held in an IRA.  Gold Eagle sales are also under $1 billion in the USA.

However, defaults, meaning, the failure to deliver metal, and the massive rise in precious metals prices that follow, happen when they run out of metal, not at certain prices.  If the past is any indication, they will run out of metal, while metals prices are still relatively low, and then the price will take off. 

I think a confiscation order will be made for several reasons, and will have several effects.  It will first be used to let JP Morgan off the hook for their massive precious metal delivery requirements, and it will let them "cover and pay out" all such precious metals over the counter contracts in paper cash, while paper cash prices are low. 
Second, a confiscatino order can be used to confiscate the precious metals in all private, non-bank, warehouses where there are storage programs that honestly have the metal.  The banking establishment hates competition, and may wipe it out by executive order. 
Third, after obtaining precious metal by theft of those institutions who honestly held it for third parties, they can continue their price manipulations for a second season.

5.  3rd party theft risk - Pooling money or metal together into one place always increases the risk of theft by regular and common robbers & thieves.  When asked why they robbed banks, the famous robbers said, "Because that's where the money is." 

Which one of the following is more safely held and harder to steal?  Is 10 million oz. of gold in one place safer, or 10 million oz. of gold held by 10 million armed individuals safer?

6.  Lack of IRA benefits risk - The whole point of putting money into an IRA is to let it increase in value, tax free.  There are no capital gains taxes when you sell in an IRA, but there taxes are when you "cash out", at which point, the IRA money is counted as real income.  If income taxes ever increase to 80-90%, as they did during the Great Depression, then nearly all of your "tax free gains" will go right back to the government, and you will not significantly benefit from the capital gains in your IRA accounts.  (ROTH IRAs are an exception.)

The whole point of bullion is that it is private.  Once it is in your hands, no government has any ability to track it.  After all, you could sell your bullion at any time once you buy it, and there are very few reporting requirements on silver or gold sales.  There is a cash transaction report (CTR) required if you sell 10 bags of 90% silver, which would be $10,000 in "cash", and there is a reporting requirement if you sell 25 Gold Eagles at one time.  And that's about it.  So, for the majority of people, for the majority of bullion sales, they can sell their precious metals at any time, with no reporting requirement, and thus, it is entirely up to them to volunteer the information about their capital gains that they may have "earned". 

7.  ETF custodian risk - Many people put IRA money directly into the ETF's for convenience, so I will now talk about ETF risks.  The ETF custodian is the one who vaults the precious metal.  Ok, if you do choose an ETF, please choose CEF, the Central Fund of Canada.  They are the only one who I think actually has a good chance that they actually have the metal.  But even CEF is not safe, as they are in Canada, and the Canadian government has no gold or silver.  Thus, in the event of a Canadian currency crisis, Canada is likely to confiscate the metal in CEF or any other Canadian storage program or bank.  Canadian banks, in general, are not more sound than those in the US, they are less sound, in my well researched opinion.  Many Canadain banks issue silver certifictes, yet there were many reports of people last year who could not obtain silver at any price from their banks in 2008 during the retail silver shortages.

The SLV and GLD ETF's in my opinion, are total frauds.  The custodian of SLV is JP Morgan, who is the largest silver short at the COMEX, and who has the largest position in over the counter derivatives at over $80 trillion.  That's a tremendous conflict of interest, and a clear warning sign.  In my opinion, the silver in the SLV is already "long gone", or they only have a tiny fraction of the silver on hand.  What's worse is that they can now deliver SLV shares to futures contract holders, and they can deliver futures contracts to back up SLV shares.  Ponzi behind Ponzi, fraud backing fraud.  The GLD custodian is HSBC, a similar bullion bank with similar positions and problems.

8.  ETF sponsor risk - The ETF's are also at risk if their sponsor goes bankrupt.  It could disrupt trading, or the viability of the whole thing.  Or, it could be used as an excuse by the custodians to default on delivery of silver, trying to place the blame on the structure or sponsor of the ETF, instead of their own fraud.  In fact, the custodians could force the bankruptcy of the sponsor, as an excuse to fail to deliver, or as an excuse to confiscate what little bullion the fund may actually have, and then deliver futures instead.

9.  ETF short selling risk - Also, there is the short selling risk, as the EFTs can be sold, naked short, which circumvent the entire point of each share being backed by metal.  Shares sold short are not backed by metal deliveries, and can be used to manipulate prices lower.  In my opinion, investors who put money into the ETFs are helping to manipulate precious metals prices lower.  Demand for physical metals is diverted by these paper alternatives. 

9.  Confiscation by government risk - Yes, I'm listing this twice, actually, three ways.  IRA money is at risk of confiscation by government, simply by being in an IRA.  IRA moneies can be forced to be invested in bonds, or they can be taxed at extremely high rates upon withdrawl.  But the third government confiscation risk is if the government confiscates the ETFs, as a means to let the custodians who are practicing fraud off the hook, as a method of "bailout". 

Confiscation will never include the government sending thugs to all 100 million USA homes to do room to room, and vault to vault searches.  It never has, and never will, not in America, not as long as the people still have guns and working vaults.  Government confiscation thugs would get to the 10th house, be blown away, and promptly end the searches.  If lazy pot smokers have been able to hide pot from the government for all these years, and the "war on drugs" been a total failure, isn't that any guide at how much more impossible it would be to take silver or gold from the militant, ready, anxious, wise silver and gold investors, many of whom are veterans?   The government would and could only confiscate the silver in known storage locations, such as the ETF's or other popular precious metals storage programs that actually have the bullion.

If you are comfortable with all these risks, please pay attention to the news on a regular basis so you might be able to take appropriate action at the appropriate time.

I used to have money in an IRA.  I no longer do.  I did not have to pay the 10% penalty upon withdrawl, because it was in inherited IRA.  I cashed out my IRA because I have been paying close attention to the news.

Remember, governments steal.  It's what they do.

That's the entire point of owning gold and silver.  They are the hardest assets to find, and the hardest to steal.

The government is already confiscating money through taxation, and inflation through bank bailouts.  The bailouts also indicate that the assets those banks hold have been stolen long ago.  To trust them with your IRA accounts, or ETFs, is just begging for trouble.

So, what to do?  Take it home.  Get a home security vault.  Vaults work.  It's why they make them. They  make many sizes, ranging from a small cash box, to a large gun vault the size of a refrigerator.  Bolt the vault down from the inside to wall studs, or to concrete in your garage floor.  Maybe disguise the vault with a cabinet.  Have multiple vaults if you can afford it, or need it.  Get a security system, burgler alarm, & dogs if necessary.  Gates or bars outside your home or driveway are another option.  it's very simple, and reliable, and people have been doing that for hundreds of years with great success. 

if you are afraid to put one in your own home, consider moving to a better neighborhood.  Consider putting a vault in your parents' or childrens' home for diversification.  You don't have to give them the combo, if they are nice about it.

Home theft risk is very very small by comparison.  Common home theives getting into a secure vault is very, very rare.  It's so rare, they love to put it on the news if it happens, as a way to condition you to trusting the banks.


I strongly advise you to get real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.

Call us today.

Yes, we sell silver, and gold at the JH MINT! 
Buy it now! Buy Silver or Gold Now!
Inventory & Price List

Call the JH MINT, 10AM to 5PM Pacific, Monday to Friday:
100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only! 
(530) 273-8175
Janelle (530) 913 0553

Active, live price quotes list:


Jason Hommel

In case you miss an email, check the archives:

Or visit
(Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

If you are in Northern California, see:
Rocklin Coin Shop
4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Silver Stock Report: World Government Lurches Forward

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World Government Lurches Forward

(How to Resist it!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, October 21st, 2009

People continually ask me about the plans for a North American Currency, or Amero.  They ask, "Will the Amero devalue the dollar, will it be silver?"  I've read the news on it for years, but nobody knows, it's only theoretical and in discussions at this point.

But I do have several solid and well founded opinions.

1.  A North American Currency will NOT be planned to be gold or silver.  Silver's price (and gold's) is way too low still.

2.  A North American Currency will probably not be accompanied by a rapid or massive 50-75% devaluation of dollars.  That's not how they introduced the Euro, it was smooth, well planned, and prices were quoted in both Euros and national currency for two years during the transition.

However, The introduction of the Euro, if any guide, also marked the bottom of the gold market, and the start of the bull market in gold, around the year 2000.  Thus, a common currency will probably boost gold's appeal.  Why?  When multiple nations each have the power to print the same currency, he who prints fastest, benefits the most!  Thus, it stimulates inflation, and the devaluation of the currency.  Also, with fewer currencies to trade one for another, gold looks like a more viable option, or the only other option (and silver, of course).

If you think the Amero is a fantasy, or a hoax, please be aware of the following news reports calling for a common currency for South America.

News Reports begin to mention the plans of a new Currency for all of, and to unite, South America.

ALBA sanctions Honduras, moves towards new currency

Leftist Regimes Agree to New Currency
20 October 2009

South American Union Will Also Have Common Currency
June 21, 2008


But that's not all this week.

I've warned of the fraud and dangers of global warming, saying it will be used as a convenient excuse for a global government.
See some of my warnings:

Other more respected people, are now warning: Obama is set to give up US Sovereignty, by signing a treaty in December, over false fears of "Global Warming".

Now here's a potential solution that may help to halt this development.

The reason why a foreigner is not supposed to be elected President, is because he may be a traitor to US interests, and favor foreign interests, such as the globalist agenda.

News came out last week that Obama was openly reported to be born in Kenya!

AP declared Obama "Kenyan-Born"
The Post & Email
October 16, 2009

Here's the web archive of the AP article:

Many AP articles on Obama were scrubbed entirely off of the internet, some claim, as history is being revised before our eyes, Orwellian-style, as in the book, 1984.  Looks like they missed a few.

President Obama Admitted He Was "Kenyan-Born".

I read that one Federal Judge will hear one case over Obama's birthplace, sometime in January.  I told this news to a friend, who used to be in the military.  He replied, "They'll just kill the judge."  Please pray for his protection, and for Orly Taitz.  It tends to frustrate the plans of the enemy, when the ones exposing them are protected by God, and the prayers of righteous people can do a lot!

James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

After you pray, consider following it up with action.  I did.

The key person fighting this battle against Obama's birthplace is a woman named Orly Taitz.

To donate to her cause, see

Silver investors have a unique sense of integrity.  We are perhaps some of the only people around who will make an investment into something like silver, and then work to prevent its rise.  After all, I have to give Obama credit, he is the silver salesman of the year now, for two years running.  As an investor in silver, it works against my benefit to do what is right, and to fight Obama and his highly inflationary, wild spending policies, and globalist agenda, which will only push people more into silver and gold.  But I do what is right anyway, regardless of the personal cost.  I suppose that's why they call it "standing up" for what is right, rather than "lying down" for what is right.  Doing what is right always comes at a personal cost.

People tell me to not talk politics.  It angers people, polarizes people, and reduces the size of the potential audience.  

But it's not always important to "reach out" to those who are not listening!  I think it's more important to continue to inform those who are listening!  If I anger a few readers, that's part of the "cost" of doing what is right.

Besides, the best way to fight the global socialists is to buy silver!  It reduces the power of their printing presses to buy anything in the world that they want, which funds their agenda.  It exposes their games of fraud, and helps to bring it to an end.


I strongly advise you to get real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.

Call us today.

Yes, we sell silver, and gold at the JH MINT! 
Buy it now! Buy Silver or Gold Now!
Inventory & Price List

Call the JH MINT, 10AM to 5PM Pacific, Monday to Friday:
100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only! 
(530) 273-8175
Janelle (530) 913 0553

Active, live price quotes list:


Jason Hommel

In case you miss an email, check the archives:

Or visit
(Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

If you are in Northern California, see:
Rocklin Coin Shop
4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677

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Silver Stock Report: How to Detect Fake Gold

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How to Detect Fake Gold!

(Readers reply with more tips on how!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, October 21st, 2009


Paper silver is fake silver at the COMEX, as the sellers of paper silver don't have the silver they are selling, and are leveraged by a factor of 12, or more, assuming sellers own 100% of the silver available for delivery against paper contracts.  (Silver on deposit may also be owned by longs who have not sold futures, and who therefore have no delivery obligations).  Less than the 55 million oz. of silver on deposit, supposedly backs 659 million oz. in futures contracts.
October 21, 2009


Dear J Hommel:
       Over the last 3 weeks I have had people try to twice sell to me a fake Maple Leaf gold coin. It had all the proper designs but it was too smooth and the heft (weight/density was wrong) gave it away as made of brass.  It did test properly with acid using just a streak test but not when a groove was filed.  I make jewelry and would have melted the gold so nothing is lost by cutting a groove.

       Last week, in a friend's coin shop, a Chinese made counterfeit US $20 gold coin was brought in. These are difficult to detect and are usually copies of valuable numismatic coins. The seller is known to us and stated that he believed it was a counterfeit made to fool collectors. Coin World had an article about the counterfeiting of valuable US coins in China this summer.  Link to that article:    
(subscription only)

The coin contained a full ounce of gold when refined.  (So it was a fake numismatic!)

       I have also encountered aluminum gold plated flat wafer type bars marked with various Swiss Bank designations. Only gold plated, of course, but the source is unknown.
       With the 400 oz bars I have no personal knowledge of counterfeits. There have been news reports that some bars held in British repositories and by the Bank of England were very old and did not meet standards of today. It was implied in those articles that the gold had to be refined before it would be known how much gold was really in the old bars.
             G. Walter Boucher
--Over 100 manufacturers in China are making fake gold and silver coins!
Fake fears over Ethiopia's gold
By Elizabeth Blunt
BBC News, Addis Ababa
March 13th, 2009
--by Theo Gray, + 18 comments
--references Theo Gray's article.


Jason, I think, even though the specific gravity between gold and tungsten is so close, accurately weighing a bar and measuring its volume (by water displacement) should determine its true nature.

The difference determined this way would surely exceed the permissible volume variance of gold bars. Anyway, that wouldn't make any difference - as long as  the accurate weight and the accurate volume can be determined, the accurate specific gravity will be arrived at.


Jason, You might also want to advise your readers to use a magnet to test anything that purports to be an 'old Chinese' silver coin.  With a little experience one can also spot the fakes, as they are light, thin, and usually have very poor workmanship.  But the magnet test is quick and simple.



Hi Jason,

Are you familiar with the hand-held Xray analyzer that can tell you exactly which metal you have.

They are over $30,000, but for an operation with significant volume, I certainly would have one.   I have a friend that has one made by Oxford Instruments, and he wouldn't do business without it.  They are also made by Innovex and others.


Jason, there is a simple gauge to detect fake gold coins, it measures the dimensions the coin must fit through:

Fisch Fake Coin Identification Gauge


A simple google search brings up:

4 Home Remedies to detect fake gold

There are 4 home remedies for spotting fake gold or just plated items that maybe marked 14k. 1st-Place a magnet next to questionable piece. If item is pulled towards magnet-it's just plated or fools gold. 2nd-Take a jewelry cleaning cloth and rub it on piece in question. This usually will take the plating right off with a couple hard rubs. 3rd-If it's a chain with lobster clasp in question, real gold will most likely be marked on the part of the clasp that moves open for other end of clasp to attach to-not the part your finger moves-the part that actually opens. 4th-Plated brass can look like solid gold until you put it in sterling silver cleaner solution. At first it looks very shiny but the next day it oxidizes and will be dull again. This doesn't happen to real gold. There are also more advanced ways to test gold like a gold test kit with a special testing stone and there are some electronic testers as well.


New Tests to Defeat Gold Fraud

Lists and describes:
Electrical Resistance
Thermal Conductivity
Magnetic Field Test
X-Ray Density
Acoustic Resonance


I wrote, (Very strong acids, such as cyanide, will dissolve gold.)

I was right and wrong.  Very strong acids can dissolve gold.  But the form of Cyanide used in gold mining is a base, not an acid, and is also used to "dissolve" gold.


There is a very strong acid that will dissolve gold, it's actually a combination of two strong acids.  Nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, when mixed together they form was is called, "Aqua Regia", or "Royal Water", because they will dissolve gold.


I am a gold refinier.  You stated:

(Very strong acids, such as cyanide, will dissolve gold.)
  Please be aware, the form of cyanide used to dissolve gold is usually sodium cyanide or potassium cyanide, which are both SALTS, not acids.  They form a solution that is very basic, pH of 11-12 (the other end of the scale from acids, which have a pH in the rangeof 0-6.9).

If sodium or potassium cyanide is accidentally mixed with an acid, it produces hydrogen cyanide, the deadly gas used in the gas chamber.  Cyanide and acid are NOT two good words to have in the same sentence, in my opinion.


Jason, interesting article on gold and tungsten but a slight correction is needed.  This sentence is not correct:  "(Very strong acids, such as cyanide, will dissolve gold.)"   Cyanide is not an acid but an anion; HCN is hydrocyanic acid and it is a very weak acid.  Cyanidation occurs cyanide donates electron pairs to the gold to make a very stable, soluble complex.  It does not dissolve gold the same way as an ordinary acid, such as hydrochloric acid, dissolves most metals.

You are correct that tungsten has almost the same exact density as gold which is why it would be hard to tell by regular methods such as specific gravity (or density).  China produces most of the world's tungsten, so I suspect there is a connection there somewhere.

Enjoy your articles.

I strongly advise you to get real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.

Call us today.

Yes, we sell silver, and gold at the JH MINT! 
Buy it now! Buy Silver or Gold Now!
Inventory & Price List

Call the JH MINT, 10AM to 5PM Pacific, Monday to Friday:
100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only! 
(530) 273-8175
Janelle (530) 913 0553

Active, live price quotes list:


Jason Hommel

In case you miss an email, check the archives:

Or visit
(Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

If you are in Northern California, see:
Rocklin Coin Shop
4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677

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