Friday, July 31, 2009

Silver Stock Report: What IS Palladium?

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What IS Palladium?

(Answering a few common questions on bullion)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, July 31, 2009

The following is a "story/advertisement" that I plan to publish in about 9 regional papers in the second week of August.  As with all paid ads, it will have to carry that ------advertisement------- line at the top and bottom.  It is not really intended for you, my well-educated readers on the internet, who have generally found me because you are 1. online, and 2. searching for information on silver/gold, and have read my newsletter for a long time.  You will likely find information here to be a bit repetitive, but these are common questions even my readers send, from time to time.  Instead, this article is intended as an introduction to precious metals, and as an ad to the General Public who reads newsprint, for the Rocklin Coin Shop.  But I would like your suggestions on how to improve the article, if you have any.  Sending in comments like "it's dumb" or "your [sic] dumb" is generally not very helpful.  Please be specific.

This is important, because it appears as if advertising to the general public is starting to actually work, for the very first time, in the past ten years.  If this works, and if the ad pays for itself, like the last one did, then investment demand may really begin to increase, which is the key to rising prices.

--------------------------paid advertisement-------------------------

(Answering a few commong questions on bullion)

A common question asked at the Rocklin Coin Shop is "What is palladium?"

Jason Hommel, the new owner of the Rocklin Coin Shop explains, "I don't really know exactly myself.  I know it's an element on the periodic table, but that doesn't say very much.  It's a precious metal, and about 8 million troy ounces are mined and refined each year, which makes it about 10 times as rare as gold.  World mines produce about 80 million oz. of gold annually.  Most of palladium goes into industrial uses, such as catalytic converters which help reduce car exhaust emissions, so it's a "green" metal, environmentally friendly, but silver colored.  Since the price is about $260/oz., which is much less than the $950/oz. for gold, many investors choose palladium, and so we keep it in stock at the shop.  While probably none of that answers the question exactly, it is more than enough for many astute investors."

"Another thing people ask us about is the silver content in old US coinage, in quarters, half dollars, and dimes minted in 1964 or earlier.  They know the silver content makes the old stuff more valuable, but how much is it worth?

It's confusing, Hommel explains,  "The metal content consists of 90% silver, and 10% copper -- that's called the purity level.  But one dollar's worth of coinage contains just under 72% of one troy ounce of silver -- that's the measure of the weight.  People get the two things mixed up, and they have difficulty with the math, not knowing what amount to multiply or divide against the silver value per ounce.

And there are other things that affect the value, too.  Old coinage can be sold in bulk in bags of $1000 face value at a time, and so, there are better prices if you can trade in bulk.  But if the coins are very worn out, or if you have only a few coins, you won't get such a good price.

To figure out a rough value, figure that a large bag weighing about 55 pounds, and containing $1000 face value of silver coinage, will have about 715 ounces of silver.  Then, multiply the ounces by a percent or two under the spot price of silver, and that's about what it's worth, but even that varies, depending on market conditions.  Sometimes, 90% silver can trade above spot, and I've seen it as high as about 30% above spot, but not in today's calm market.

Because many people find it confusing to calculate the value of 90% coinage, most people prefer to own 99.9% pure, 1 troy ounce "rounds" that are a bit heavier than the old silver dollars, that contained about 76% of 1 troy ounce of 90% pure silver.  They are called "rounds" because they are privately minted, and not issued by the US government, which would make them coins.

Many people wonder if they own any rare coins in their old coin collections.  Most people just own junk.  A general rule is that unless it's silver, gold, and a US coin in very good condition, then forget about it.  Foreign coins are typically worthless, unless they are silver or gold.  Most pennies and nickels are hardly worth the time to look through. 

Our "niche" seems to be cash buyers around $1,500 to $10,000.  The reasons are determined by governments.  California State government levies a sales tax on bullion purchases under $1500, but over that, sales tax is not charged.  The Federal government requires a "CTR", or cash transaction report on anything over $10,000, and so many buyers tend to buy just under that limit for the sake of personal privacy.  Wire transfers are often used for amounts over that.

People also wonder about dealer markups, or the spread.  Gold and silver both cost about 9-10% over the spot price when you buy, and when you sell it back, you can usually get about spot, or maybe 1-3% under.   Many people think that's a wide spread, but the true profits for the dealer is often much less, due to the volatility, regular business operating costs such as rent, wages, advertising, minting costs, and the fact that re-ordering inventory from mints or other wholesalers requires placing orders in bulk.

Jason notes that 9% over spot is very cheap.  Historically speaking, when silver was the circulating currency during the great depression, the U.S. government bought silver from miners at 29 cents per ounce, and then turned that into $1.40 worth of coinage!  That's about a 400% premium over the cost of the silver, so a 9% markup is great by comparison!  The difference can be explained by the government monopoly verses the lower costs created by free market competition.  The bullion market today is very competitive.  Charge more, you lose customers.  Charge less, and you risk taking a big loss due to the volatility and all the other costs. 

It can cost over $2.00 per oz. just to mint a 1 oz. round at many of the smaller private mints, and today, we have them for $1.50 per oz. over spot!  With our narrow spread, and the volatility, and the normal 1-2 day delay of putting cash into the bank to re-order, we lose money on some trades, but that's just the normal risk of doing business. 

Jason strongly recommends silver.  Why?  Most people just don't understand how small the silver market really is.  World silver mines produce about 600 million oz. of silver per year, with most of that going to industry.  Investors buy only about 100 million oz., but at $13/oz., that's barely $1.3 billion per year.  In the scale of world finance, that's nothing.  With dealer profits of about 2-3% of that, after costs, the entire silver investment market earns barely $30 million per year, across all dealers, worldwide!  Without gold sales, and scrap gold purchases, we'd go broke!

Some people really wonder how we can accept inherently worthless cash for real gold, after all, our shop can't back up all the paper money that the banks have printed up.  Well, as long as the families of the miners and the refiners still want and use paper cash to pay their bills, you can still get the stuff.  Watch out for the day that the miners decide they want to be paid in silver rounds!

Jason Hommel writes a free internet based Biblical and financial email newsletter with over 80,000 readers worldwide.  You can subscribe to the free newsletter, and read prior articles, at

The Rocklin Coin Shop is one of Northern California's largest bullion dealers and is a national market maker in gold and silver.

Rocklin Coin Shop
4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677


Again, please send me your specific suggestions for improvements, or suggetions for future articles.  Thank you.

Note to other coin dealers:  feel free to copy, improve, edit, re-use, recyle, excerpt any of the text that you like, either with or without attribution to me.  But in my experience, if you steal copy, others tend to notice, and it does reflect badly on you.  Better to quote with attribution to the source, at least referencing my name, Jason Hommel.


    Jason Hommel

    In case you miss an email, check the archives:

    Yes, we sell silver, and gold, too! 
    Buy it now! Buy Silver or Gold Now!
    Inventory & Price List

    Call Breana or Janelle, 10AM to 4PM Pacific, Monday to Friday:
    100 oz. silver minimum, USA shipping, wire transfer only!
    Breana (530) 913 4359
    Janelle (530) 913 0553

    Or visit
    (Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

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    Silver Stock Report: A Few Emails From Readers

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    A Few Letters from Readers

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    Thursday, July 30, 2009

    Silver Stock Report: $100,000 Reward for Proof of Obama's "natural born" Citizen Status Still Open After 2 Days.

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     So as to not burden people who may not wish to read this topic, I'm only going to provide the headline, and link.

    $100,000 Reward for Proof of Obama's "natural born" Citizen Status Still Open After 2 Days. (Why it will never be collected.)

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    Tuesday, July 28, 2009

    Silver Stock Report: $100,000 Reward for Proof of Obama's "natural born citizen" status.

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    $100,000 Reward for Proof of Obama's "natural born citizen" status.

    (Born in USA still might not qualify)

    Silver Stock Report

    by Jason Hommel, July 28th, 2009

    Copies or links to the previously released, Hawaiian "Certification of Live Birth", which is NOT a valid Birth Certificate, does not constitute valid proof to claim the reward. 

    I, Jason Hommel, promise that I will give $100,000 to the first person who can prove to my satisfaction that Barack Obama, acting as president of the United States, is a "natural born" citizen of the USA, which is a qualification to hold the office as indicated in the U.S. Constitution. 

    Please prove that Obama is a "natural born" US citizen, and put to rest the claims in lawsuits, as reports, "that include contentions Obama was born in Kenya, wasn't a "natural born" citizen because of his father's Kenyan citizenship, was a dual citizen and that his mother wasn't old enough to transmit citizenship at birth.  In addition, his citizenship is clouded by his move as a child to Indonesia and apparent adoption by an Indonesian citizen who married his mother."

    "California attorney Orly Taitz says that according to Obama's own words, his father was a British subject at Obama's birth and later a citizen of Kenya. Taitz has argued that the admission that Obama's father was Kenyan disqualifies him automatically, since a "natural born" citizen must be, under one definition, born to two parents who are citizens."

    This is not a partisan offer.  If Obama is impeached, it will not put any Republican into the office of the presidency. Democrats have no valid nor logical reason to be upset over this.  Joe Biden, Vice President, would be next in line to hold the office, and after him, it would be Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house, both of whom I find to be highly objectionable to my own political preferences.

    Please note, I oppose Joe Biden on every political position he is professed to have in the current wikipedia article .   I'm opposed to teacher's unions and government monopoly on education, I support drilling for oil in ANWR, I believe global warming is a fraud, I believe restricting so-called "global warming" pollutants will greatly harm the economy, I generally oppose unions who have helped to bankrupt America's auto industry, and I favor the privatization of Social Security.  Biden has the opposite view on all points.  While my offer might be construed to be a support for Joe Biden who would be next in line to be the president, I wanted to be clear that it is not.

    The reason I feel this issue is important to all Americans, and is a requirement of the Constitution, is that quite simply, a foreigner is not as likely to hold U.S. interests as important as foreign interests

    Given that I feel that Barack Obama's only "change" is acting like George Bush on steroids with even bigger bank bail outs for the rich, and rushing headlong to steal many important God-given rights from Americans, I feel, as an "ambassador of Christ" (2 Cor 5:20), an obligation to encourage the American people, the media, and Congress to investigate this issue, and impeach Obama as quickly as possible, if he is not a "natural born citizen" of the USA.

    In case some people wish to start reading some of the excellent reporting on this issue:

    WND's complete archive of news reports on the issue

    I'm terribly frightened that our current Federal government under Obama will pass legislation that will restrict the God-given right to bear arms, remove the right to medical care, remove the right to grow our own food, remove the right to preach from the Bible against sexual perversions as per the new Hate crimes bill, etc.

    While Congress is investigating Obama's birth, they might also want to investigate the Federal Reserve, which might be a foreign owned corporation, one such foreign interest, that is taking away the rights and property of Americans through usury (interest) on fraudulently issued paper money.

    Obama might argue, privately, that since the U.S. Constitution was suspended in a time of Emergency during the Civil War, at which time, the President began ruling by issuing executive orders, that the Constitution is no longer applicable. However, how can "the President" issue executive orders, if he is not qualified to be the president?

    I really am not a negative person.  I'm optimistic that this might be the most important use of $100,000 that I've ever offered.  And I would like to end on a positive note.

    The good things I can say about Mr. Obama is that he is clearly the "gun salesman of the decade" as well as the "gold and silver bullion salesman of the decade", and that I believe more Americans ought to own more of both.

    And if it turns out that Obama was born in the USA, and my reward helps to keep Joe Biden out of office, and end the controversy, or even highlight the issues of freedom as listed in this email, then I will consider that my money will be well spent.

    By the way, Happy 48th Birthday, Mr. Obama.  I'm not really sure if you were born on August 4th, or sometime around there in 1961.


    Jason Hommel
    email proof to:

    In case you miss an email, check the archives, now on the main page:

    Please visit
    (Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

    See us also at:
    Rocklin Coin Shop
    4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677

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    Monday, July 27, 2009

    Silver Stock Report: Health Care in the US

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    Health Care in the US

    (again shows gold headed past $25,000/oz)

    Silver Stock Report

    by Jason Hommel, July 26th, 2009

    I wanted to share with you just a few startling facts on Health Care in the US, but I was wondering whether my message would be "on topic".  Then, the man acting as President (but who may actually be disqualified if he was not born in the US as is reporting) gave a televised national address on the subject, making this a more appropriate topic than ever.

    Many of my readers are investors, and investors are usually older, and thus, tend to spend more money than average on Health Care.   But the average is so high as to be startling.

    A quick wikipedia check shows that Americans spend $2 trillion per year on health care.  In a national economy of about $14 trillion, that's 1 dollar in 7 spent on health care.

    I always like to compare such large numbers to the size of the silver and gold markets.

    World silver mine production is 600 million oz. of silver per year.  But investors only buy 100 million oz., and the rest is consumed by industry (and jewelry and photography, both of which are simply different industries). 

    So, investors put 100 million oz. x $13/oz., or $1.3 billion into the silver market each year.  Compared to health care?  $2 trillion is $2000 billion.

    $2000 billion / $1.3 billion = 1538.

    Thus, Americans spend $1538 dollars on Health Care for every $1 they spend on silver.

    But nobody spends $1 on silver, the realistic minimum would be at least one ounce, which is $13.

    So, stated another way, Americans spend $13 x 1538, or $20,000 on Health Care for every 1 oz. of silver that they buy.

    But again, most silver investors don't buy 1 oz., they typically buy 100 oz.  So, again, stated another way, Americans spend $2,000,000 on health care for every "average" 100 oz. silver purchase of $1400! 

    Let's compare to gold.

    The world gold mines produce $80 billion of gold.  $2000 billion / $80 billion = 25.   Americans are 25 times more likely to spend money on Health Care than on gold.

    Well, not really, that was American Health, vs. World gold.  Americans buy about 5% of the world gold market, and are about 25% of the world economy.  So, Americans are about 25 x 20, or 500 times more likely to spend money on Health Care than on gold.

    My Conclusions? 

    Financial Health is much less of a concern than Physical Health, for most Americans who have the money to spend.

    Perhaps I could have made far more money, and gotten far more readers, writing a Health newsletter than a Financial Newsletter?

    Clearly, gold and silver markets are not at a top.  In fact, rather than gold being a small portion of health care, it should be the other way around!  Only a small portion of world gold production should be spent on health care, with the rest being spent on "everything else"!

    Or, stated another way, gold prices would have to rise 25 times, just to allow world gold production to equal the amount that Americans spend on Health Care.

    Or, stated another way, if Americans had to use "real money" to buy everything that they want, gold prices would have to rise at a minimum of 25 times, but probably several times higher than that.

    So when gold bugs say that gold will soar well past $25,000/oz., that's an understatement, and anyone who gives a lower number, really has a weird basis for their claim, or it's beyond my comprehension.  Perhaps lower numbers are only a short term prediction.

    Needless to say, as a free market advocate, I'm radically opposed to nationalized Health Care.

    Lost in the debate is the fact that we all suffer from the same disease; it's called death, and we were all infected at conception, due to inherited sin from Adam and Eve.

    The only solution is Jesus, who died in our place, for our sins, so that we might have eternal life if we have faith confess our belief in the resurrection. 

    But until the return of Jesus, Human Death is an incurable condition, and it is inevitable, we can only postpone it.  And often, spending an inordinate amount of money doing so can be compared to vanity, false worship, wastefulness, or selfishness.  Why so?  Because the amount of money that you can spend trying to prevent the inevitable can stretch towards infinity.

    The "practice" of Health Care can be defined as trying to prevent death, which is the inevitable.   We are not cars that can always be restored!  We are people, and we die.

    It cannot be a "human right" to be provided with infinite amounts of other people's money to try to prevent the inevitable! 

    On the other hand, it certainly is a human right to be able to spend your own money on whatever you wish, such as preventing or postponing your own death, at whatever the cost, no matter how wasteful, because it's your money, and your decision!

    If government health care is going to be designed to save money overall, then it must naturally grant human rights where they don't exist, and trample on human rights where they do, and restrict access to doctors who can help to delay the inevitable, which is death.

    Thus, nationalized health care, to save money, can only restrict access to health care, not increase it, and will cause more death.

    Health insurance is a vastly different issue than health care. 

    I don't have health insurance.  Neither does my wife and our four boys.  Neither does my older brother, nor does my father in law.  Furthermore, I don't provide health insurance for any of my employees.  Instead, I simply pay them higher wages, and they can decide for themselves how to spend it.

    We don't believe in insurance.  Any insurance.  I'd rather trust the Lord in Heaven,  even if he may have plans to smite me with an incurable disease, rather than trust the solvency, reliability, and honesty of an insurance company.  Most people have far more faith than me, since they would rather trust such companies, but I think such faith is misplaced.

    My father sold insurance.  They were not even very reliable to pay for advertising after it was sent out, let alone the claims!  Insurance companies make all the money.  They know the risks, they are the ones with the information to know they are getting the best side of the trade.   Banks and insurance companies are the ones who own all the big buildings, so you know they are the ones raking in the money, not the people who own the policies.

    Instead of wasting money by giving it to large companies, we try to be pro active about keeping in good health.

    I suppose I could write about that, but that would be the topic for another newsletter.

    I realized after the President's address, that our nation's monetary system, and tax system, have helped to create the inefficiencies in our modern health care system.  Wages are taxed.  Benefits are not.  This is not a loophole, it's reality, because many forms of benefits cannot be properly valued.  For example, if I provide a gym to my employees, they don't have to report a gym membership as wages.  Similarly with insurance.  If I give health insurance to my employees, that's not taxed.  Thus, it is to the benefit of companies to provide benefits such as that to employees, since it prevents government theft of their productivity.

    The problem is that when the employer chooses, it restricts market choice.  And for one employer, it is impossible to choose what is best for each employee, but only what is best for the employer.  

    Insurance also increases costs for everyone in multiple ways.  First, there is a reduced sense of personal responsibility for one's heath if one has a sense of "coverage".  Second, by introducing a third party to make the payment, it opens up possibility of fraud on all sides.  Hospitals can defraud insurance companies, who can defraud covered people, who can defraud insurance companies. 

    Third, neither doctors nor consumers are cost conscious of treatment options.  Well, actually, that's not entirely true, since perverse incentives exist.  Doctors are given monetary incentives to prescribe the highest cost treatment options when there is third party insurance.  Thus, a quadruple bypass operation might be more likely to be prescribed than herbs or amino acids that might be more effective, such as cayenne pepper or grapefruit to dissolve the fatty deposits and chelating amino acids such as lysine, or minerals such as magnesium, to help dissolve the calcium deposits.  And clearly, there will never be a University sponsored or Medical establishment recommended double blind study to prove the difference or best combination of nutritional remedies that cannot be patented. 

    And conversely, HMO's have incentives to provide the least costly treatment option, except they must "go with traditional medicine", such as the quadruple bypass, or be accused of cutting corners.  And both options are entirely without regard to what is best for the patient.

    And if there are that many problems with a third party, such as insurance companies getting in the way, imagine how many more problems there will be if government gets involved!

    Oh, and finally, no matter what topic I discuss to highlight the importance of real silver, people accuse me of all sorts of "deviousness" and "selfishness" to market "the silver scam", and inevitably, at least one person will rudely demand to be removed from the list as I have insulted their sense of fairness, or I hit a hot button with them.

    Excuse me, how can silver be a scam?  With the silver investment market being only a $1.3 billion market, and with a standard mark-up of about 2.5% for the dealers, the potential profits for the entire silver bullion investment industry are only $1.3 billion x 2.5% = $32 million for the entire industry.

    Oh yes, what scammers those silver peddlers are, hoping to suck the economy dry with their paltry $32 million total annual profits to be shared among all of them combined.  That's less than the annual salary of many sports stars.   I tell you, the accusers have no sense of size, no basis for comparison, no sense of right and wrong.  Those who are so easily offended will surely get what they deserve, which is nothing, as silver continues in this inevitable and unstoppable bull market.


    Andrew Lin writes in:

    Let's look at a way to visualize inflation.
    Let's say you had a $1,000 bill in 1900. At that time, this would be the equivalent of letting the government safe-guard 50 ounces of gold for you.
    In 1933, Franklin D Roosevelt devalued the dollar, and as a result gold's price rose from $20/ounce to $35/ounce. Equivalently, you could also say the 50 ounces of gold the government held for you now became 28.57 ounces of gold. The government stole 21.43 ounces of gold from you overnight!
    In 1971, Richard Nixon ended the Bretton-Woods gold standard for good, and by 1974, gold had risen to $200/ounce. You now had 5 ounces of gold. Thus, between 1971 and 1974, the government stole 16.43 ounces of gold from you.
    In 1999, gold bottomed out at $250/ounce. You now had 4 ounces.
    With gold nearing $1,000/ounce today, you are down to 1 ounce. Over the last 10 years, the government has stolen roughly 3 ounces of what little gold you have left.
    Now instead of paper money, visualize that you did indeed have 50 ounces of gold in your safe in 1900 and that year after year the government broke into your home and stole gold from your safe at this rate. Would you find that acceptable?


    Jason notes:

    It's amazing that people can't see the theft, and even that so many will argue in favor of deflation, meaning that "the dollar is getting stronger" when that has never taken place over the long run in the last 95 years.


      Jason Hommel

      In case you miss an email, check the archives, now on the main page:

      Or visit
      (Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

      See us also at:
      Rocklin Coin Shop
      4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677

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      Friday, July 17, 2009

      Silver Stock Report: Report from the Road, II, by Dave

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      Report from the Road, II, by Dave

      (with additional commentary from Jason)

      Silver Stock Report

      by Dave, Janelle, & Jason Hommel, July 17th, 2009

      We, (Dave and Janelle) have been on the road now for three weeks and have done two shows.  One in Tennessee and one in Richmond, Virginia, and they both were great.  Meeting everyone has been a great experience for my wife and I.

      Again in Virginia, it was just like Tennessee the people were great and the knowledge of gold and silver was awesome.  We even met some people who follow Jason's writings. They came specifically to meet with us and were glad we were enjoying our trip, most of them buying silver.

      As I watch TV, I keep seeing our country going downhill. The same frustrations that we are having in California, they are having here, just not as bad.  I love talking to the people out here and to hear about their solutions on how to solve the country's problems, most of them think a revolution is imminent.  The problem is not the people, it's all of the attorneys, and a majority of the politicians are former attorneys. Personally, I think if we made the politicians live like us, no car allowance, no house allowance, have to work at least twenty years on the job before collecting retirement, and no medical retirement, things would change immediately.

      Listening to the people out here, they have stated that the first big rush was on guns. The second big rush is on ammunition. Now, the trend is starting to lean towards investing in silver and gold. They know that with the guns and ammo they can protect their home and put food on their plates. They also realize that they are going to need something to barter with, hence, investing in silver and gold. Totally the opposite from the people we spoke with from the gun show in California. The Californians we talked to felt if they have guns and ammo they can get whatever they want. We have a lot to learn out west!

      Traveling through Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky I am getting a better understanding of the people and seeing firsthand how this country began with the Declaration of Independence. We went to Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's house, and the museum there showed what our forefathers were up against, the main emphasis being on religious freedom. Seeing the different battle fields and the amount of people that gave up their lives for us to be a country was an awakening. Are we getting to that point now?  What would our forefathers think? Have we put God on the back burner for our own selfish desires? We have already replaced God's money with paper money!

      We are now preparing for our show in Salem, Va, at the Salem Civic Center July 18 and 19th. Then we will be headed to The Nation's Gun Show at Dulles Expo in Chantilly, Va, July 24, 25 and 26th!  We are looking forward to meeting more of y'all!

      Jason Hommel's  "Buy it Now!" is still going strong, so if you would like to order silver or gold just give us a call....
      Bre (530) 913-4359
      Janelle (530) 913-0553

      Thank you and God bless!
      Dave and Janelle


      Revolution?!  I hope it does not have to come to that.  I've been hearing some of the same from other places, such as here:
      "Which leads me to the third fear, that there is a revolution coming, yes, a revolution on the scale of the original American Revolution. You can hear this topic discussed on many of the talk radio shows by even the big name hosts. The possibility of an armed revolution against the U.S. government being discussed, albeit very gingerly and fleetingly and as something to be avoided, which it is. I never heard this mentioned in the 90s. One of my quietest, low profile officer friends brought it up the other day.

      He said that at some point in the near future, he felt there is going to be an armed revolt if things keep going the way they are. Something has got to give. I was shocked. Yes, I had heard this from some of my more radical cop friends in the past, but to hear it from a guy like this was unprecedented. Now, these guys are not saying this will happen to foment revolution, preach sedition or to even participate. They just want to be ready if it happens, to at least defend their families, because number four on the fear list is general societal chaos." 

      I will echo the point that Revolution is something to be avoided at all costs.

      I don't think the problem is the attorneys.  I think the problem is paper money that can be printed at will.  Who can withstand the temptation spend and receive $2 trillion in new money that does not exist?  That's a lot of bribery money, and that's all that it is. 

      Welfare for the poor?  Bribes to prevent revolt. 

      Bailouts for the corporations?  Bribes to continue manipulating the gold and silver markets to keep the fraud of the dollar alive.  

      Giveaways for the districts back home and pork barrel spending?  Bribes for votes.  It's all corruption.

      Churches?  Bribed and Corrupted.  Most form 501c3 corporations, and make the IRS their head, and bow down to their demands that they cannot endorse politicians, in return for the "tax exempt" status so that donors can REPORT and take the reward of the DEDUCTION on taxes of their donations to the Church, in clear violation of numerous scriptures.

      How can God openly bless the Church if all the money being given to the Church is being reported to the IRS, and not being given in secret as God commands so that we can recieve his blessings openly?

      Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
      Matthew 6:2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
      Matthew 6:3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
      Matthew 6:4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

      If donations are reported to get the deduction, and they have their "reward in full", then how can God bless and reward them openly?  No wonder the Church lacks power in our age.

      Of course, when money is silver and gold, it's all untrackable and unreportable, as God intended.  But when money is paper, and held in banks, and all income reported on forms so that everyone can deduct the cost of everything, including wages, then all become slaves!  Where is the Church helping people to become free of that tyranny, and how can she help free people when she enslaves herself to it for money?  

      Immature baby Christians accuse me of "Preaching for money" all the time.  Perhaps they should examine their own Church structure!  The hypocrites!

      How can the Church, who is supposed to be made up of a people who are a nation of Kings and Priests, and be able to Judge Angels, and to be fighting powers in high places, allow itself to be gagged on political matters so that they cannot even fight with words after forming into a 501c3 organization? 

      Revelation 1:6
      And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

      1 Corinthians 6:3
      Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

      Ephesians 6:12
      For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

      How can the Church wrestle with these powers, if she has already given in, laid down, and been defeated through the 501c3 agreement?  Such contracts are oaths.  Oaths are worship.  501c3 Churches worship at the feet of the IRS for money. 

      I merely tell it like it is, preaching the virtues of God's laws, and the virtues of following honest weights and measures, which are God's gifts of silver and gold.  I'm not being bribed, and I lose a lot of money as my preaching offends both many "supposed" Christians, but atheists too, who don't want to hear any of it.

      If there's going to be a revolution, it should start in the Churches.  Get out of all 501c3 Churches, and start forming new ones, with pastors who allow the prophets and teachers to speak on these things.  In Church, there is supposed to be more than just a pastor bloviating on for an hour.  It's supposed to be more like a panel discussion or debate, which is much more exciting and entertaining and educating to watch. 

      1 Corinthians 14:29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.
      30 If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.
      31 For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
      32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
      33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
      34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
      35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
      36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?

      Such panel discussions and debates are often seen at precious metals conventions, and Freedom Fests.

      Eph 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
      Eph 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
      Eph 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
      Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;


        Jason Hommel

        In case you miss an email, check the archives, now on the main page:

        Or visit
        (Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

        See us also at:
        Rocklin Coin Shop
        4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677

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        Thursday, July 16, 2009

        The Nature of Deception, Usury, & ETFs

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        The Nature of Deception, Usury, and ETFs

        (Witness this Rant!)

        Silver Stock Report

        by Jason Hommel, July 16th, 2009

        When I first began studying Bible Prophecy just over 10 years ago, I was curious about the fact that there are False Prophets, or false interpretations.  What's interesting is that false prophets are deceived, and they deceive their followers.  And what's amazing is that those who are deceived don't know they are deceived.  But what's more, it's truly frightening to realize that God Himself can deceive the false prophets! 

        1 Kings 22:23 Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee.

        2 Thess 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

        So here's the truly scary thought if you believe God is all powerful:  If God has it in for you to be deceived, how can you fight against God Himself?

        Fortunately, God tells you how you can learn to tell between right and wrong.  God actually wants you to know the difference!  God gave mankind the law.  Not only that, but God gave mankind many prophets to interpret and explain the law.

        One of the sets of laws that God's people (the Israelites) seemed to continue to violate over and over again were the laws regarding debt and charging interest on loans, (called usury).  They were not to loan at usury to their fellow people, nor to the stranger living among them, and they were to forgive, forget, and wipe out all loans (and set free all slaves) every 7 years, and every 50 years.

        I find it interesting to note that the "indentured servants" who helped to colonize America nearly 300-400 years ago only served 7 years, and that about 50 years ago, home mortgages used to be limited to 7 years, and that a few years ago a person used to be able to declare bankruptcy once every 7 years.

        The prophets compared the practice of usury to thievery, extortion, violence, slavery, etc.  Why?  Because if loans are not paid, usually the lenders try to resort to force, police force, government force, to enforce such contracts at the point of force, such as, for example, to evict people from homes, or for not paying taxes. 

        This is where "Biblical Economics" differs from the Austrian School, which holds contracts as important.  I see contracts as violations of the Biblical commandments to make no oaths (James 5:12), and no treaties with foreign nations (Deuteronomy 7:1-7).

        "Austrian School economists advocate the strict enforcement of voluntary contractual agreements between economic agents, and advocate the smallest possible imposition of coercive force (especially government-imposed coercive force) on voluntary commercial transactions."

        In truth, fraudulent contracts should not be valid.  Contracts without full disclosure are not valid.  Contracts entered into under duress are not valid.  Illegal contracts are not valid. 

        It is mathematically certain that the people cannot pay back more gold than exists (that would be a fraudulent contract) or is being mined on earth, and gold is only being mined out of the earth at a rate of an annual increase of 2%!

        Many of my less educated readers have accused me of "putting blind faith in an old dusty book that has been re-written too many times to count".  Unfortunately for them, those false accusers don't seem to realize that I understand a little bit about the math of compound interest.

        Compound interest teaches us that at 2.5% interest, lenders would own all the atoms of the universe in a few thousand years.  And at 6% interest, they would own all the earth in only a few hundred, or less, which leads to unpayable debts, and thus slavery.

        One way to prevent such slavery is to use silver and gold as money.  Gold is not debt-money, it's real money.

        The Russian President once again promotes the honest money of gold! 

        See gold, as the new currency:

        G-8 leaders to be given symbolic gold coins

        Critics of the Biblical warnings against debt and usury (and those who are deceived or taught in government schools that debt is ok, or just about anyone who grew up during this era of monetary fraud) don't seem to realize that in the USA, the nation had unpayable "dollar" debts since just after WWII, when the government owed about $250 billion (payable in gold at $35/oz., which was 7.1 billion oz.), which was more gold than existed on earth, which, even today, is only 5 billion oz.!  That's why a "temporary emergency income tax" was levied on the masses of the American People after WWII, and has never been lifted.

        It's not the "gold standard" that failed.  It was that gold debts could not be paid, as they printed up too many paper dollars (gold debts) in the 1920's prior to the depression, and were never properly rejected!

        The nature of debt at 6% interest on a large scale in large amounts over a few generations, is that unless it is recognized, and repudiated, and declared null and void through bankruptcy or default, it is like a black hole that sucks in all the wealth and productivity of an entire nation, or entire world.  It leads inevitably to totalitarianism, or a dictatorial World Government that will enslave everyone, unless that is recognized, and rejected, by a people that turn to God for understanding and salvation. 

        Government can't save you from oppressive government! 

        Only God's economic prescription of debt forgiveness (bankruptcy), and God's provision of silver & gold, and free markets (thou shalt not steal) can help.

        No nation can invade a nation of gun owners, so a government and an army is totally unnecessary for protection.  But gun owners can be enslaved over generations if they don't know about usury!

        Even the nature of fractional reserve banking has continually changed as the black hole of debt has gotten bigger.  Even the banks have gotten "sucked in" to the black hole, probably because they are the closest ones to it.  Fractional reserve requirements have gotten less and less, and are close to zero, and are actually zero for bank branches with less than $10.3 million on deposit.


        Reserve Requirements

        Net transaction accounts:                           Percentage of liabilities            Effective date
             $0 to $10.3 million                                   0%                                         1-01-09
        More than $10.3 million to $44.4 million        3%                                        1-01-09
        More than $44.4 million                                10%                                       1-01-09

        This shows that the rules for the banks are so lax, that it's no wonder banks are bankrupt!  It's not me saying it.  It's the Federal Reserve!

        I suspect that the reason that there are so many of the same bank branches nearby is not for convenience of the customers, but so that the banks can keep their reserve requirements down to less than 3%! 

        The nature of deception is that anytime you learn anything new, you were either totally ignorant of the subject, or you had wrong ideas about the subject, and were thus deceived. 


        I know I'm deceived about the nature of money, because I live in the age of fraudulent money, and thus, my thinking about money is thus polluted by the age in which I live, and also because I'm continuing to learn new things about the gold and silver markets all the time--even after 10 years of writing!

        Just this month, I've had two new insights, which is a lot for one month:

        1.  From:

        "My main point is that anyone can exchange their paper money, for silver or gold, on much better terms today, at much less premiums today, than during the vast majority of the time that silver "officially" backed the currency!

        The fallacy of thought was that silver could be bought for "zero premium" when it was money, while today, you have to pay an "unfair 5-10%".  The truth is that when silver was money, government distortions and monopoly pricing created 400% premiums, also called "Seigniorage"."

        2.  From

        "Essentially, holding dollars means you are lending to the Fed at zero interest, in return for the privilege of being taxed!"

        How else can I come up with new insights that I've not read anywhere else, unless I was first deceived about something and now I'm not?  I wonder what else I'll be learning in the next few months!

        The problem with most people is that they don't seek to learn anything new.  They actively try to protect themselves from deception by rejecting the new, and holding on to the false ideas they think they know.  How sad!

        But "rejecting the new" is not the way to protect against deception!  We are to protect ourselves against deception by testing out what we know, and holding on to what is true, and to establish truth by the testimony of two or three reliable witnesses. 

        In science, they call it "peer review", and experiments should be able to be duplicated by other people who should get similar results! 

        In finance, truth is established by an independent third party audit!

        America's gold reserves have not been audited since the 1960's, and the Federal Reserve has NEVER been audited since it was founded in 1913.

        Ron Paul's movement to audit the Fed is gaining ground.  This surprised me, since the Bible says that the borrower is the servant to the lender.  Perhaps I wrongly applied that concept, thinking that the Fed is the lender, and since the nation and people at large are mostly borrowers, we thus don't have power over the Fed.

        However, if we are not in debt, if we actually have assets, and if we hold dollars or bonds, we are the lender to the FED!  Ah, an application of my new insight!  See, we control the Fed, we enable the Fed, we are superior to the Fed, when we hold their dollars, excuse me, "Federal Reserve Notes".

        See, in the monetary age in which we live, it is usually debtors who write nasty things about the Fed.  It is less often that creditors complain.  Creditors should not complain, since they already have power over the Fed, and they can exercise that power at any time by merely selling bonds or dollars for gold or silver.  Why should anyone complain about a mere servant?  Just fire them.  Simple.  Easy. 

        Perhaps the most frequently quoted quote that is sent to me these days (often in signature files) is that "For evil to triumph, all that is needed is for good men to do nothing"

        I object.  I believe for evil to triumph, good men must be deceived into actively supporting evil.  The active support of evil (holding dollars) is not "doing nothing".  It's actually quite something to hold papers with numbers on them, thinking it to be valuable.  Quite a deception that is, and it lends active support to the deception.

        So that's what we do when we hold dollars.  We enable the Fed.  Kind of like giving welfare money to a crack whore, we enable the Fed to continue their evil when we hold dollars or bonds. 

        If we sell dollars or bonds for silver or gold, the Fed loses its power.

        I believe if Congress tries to audit the Fed, the Fed may close its doors.  What is on the books as assets?  The United States Government?  You and me?  All of our property?  It's been said.  The math alone says that the Fed could consider it all belongs to them.  But we are not "overt slaves" because foreclosure is too difficult, and might require physical confrontations.  What are they going to do, get 10 million Chinese men to enslave us outright?  There would be a revolution!

        So here's today's new insight:

        I used to think of the Fed as the lender of last resort; as that's what they call themselves.  I suppose I forgot they are liars.

        But the Government has now given pledges to support bankrupt entities and government programs to the tune of $80 trillion, as there was at least $70 trillion of "unfunded liabilities" and at least $10 trillion in recent bail out pledges! 

        So the Fed is now the backer, or potential payer, of those pledges.  Thus, it's the Fed who has debts that they cannot pay, the $80 trillion.  Perhaps the Fed owns the U.S. government, but the U.S. government has made too many promises that cannot be paid without destroying the currency, which would destroy the very important money-printing monopoly that the Fed has!  How ironic. 

        The Fed was originally set up as that "lender of last resort".  But in Biblical terms, they are the one who makes "surety for a loan", they make good the loans of the big banks.  But what is the end result of one who pledges to be surety for loans that cannot be paid?  They come to ruin.

        Proverbs 6:1 My son, if you become surety for your friend, If you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger,
        2 You are snared by the words of your mouth; You are taken by the words of your mouth.

        Maybe the "black hole" analogy was not complete.  Maybe the kinds of debt levels the Fed has today are unsustainable and unstable, like a theoretical black hole that is shrinking faster by giving off more gamma rays and x-rays than it can accumulate enough mass to stay stable.

        That's what happens in hyperinflation.  They need to print up more and more currency, but the value of the currency is being destroyed faster than the gains from printing more, so it creates an unstoppable "virtuous" cycle of fraudulent currency destruction.

        Gold in your possession does not need an audit.  Either you have it, or you don't.  It's up to you to count it.

        When other people hold gold for you, you need to have third parties count it for you, in an independent audit.

        The ETFs do not allow any such audits. 

        I don't need to prove that the ETFs are a fraud.  They need to prove they are true, and by the appropriate standard of third party review, they cannot. 

        The nature of fraud is that it is a lie.  Liars often resort to lies to protect their lies, and have even been known to pay money to false witnesses to gain an appearance of credibility.

        I've read that Comex contracts can be fulfilled via ETF shares, and ETF shares might be backed by COMEX contracts!

        Holy Moly!  But wait, there's more!

        The main custodian of the silver ETF SLV is JP Morgan, who is also the major silver short at the COMEX.  Who's backing who?  What is backing what?  JP Morgan is now the guarantor of JP Morgan! 

        It's all just promises of promises of JP Morgan, one of the founders of the Fed!

        JP Morgan's silver held for the ETF cannot be audited, because in the SLV prospectus, it says they can use sub-custodians who can use further sub-custodians!  In other words, not even JP Morgan really knows who has the silver that they are supposed to hold for the ETF!  Thus, JP Morgan has already created the legal structure to avoid being held accountable!

        And it's our fault, because our society actually trusts that behemoth, or, at least, are deceived into doing so, as is evidenced by the size of the ETF holdings, the size of COMEX open interest in silver, and by the size of the "over the counter" unregulated "other precious metals" derivatives reported by the BIS. 

        Most commodity brokers don't care about the facts of what I've told you, so they don't tell the customer.  They just want their commission on the sale! 

        So who's looking out for you?  The newspapers?  In on it.  Your Church?  They are mostly childish in their understanding, and ignorant because they reject both the practical and prophetic implications of the law; supposedly that stuff no longer applies, as it's all just "grace" now.

        One monopolist apologist who has refused to cover the gold and silver manipulation scandal in progress over the last ten years just went out of business.  Businessweek Magazine is losing money, and thus will be auctioned, or even sold for $1. 

        Businessweek was only worthy of being quoted in the Silver Stock Report two times in the last 10 years.  That's quite pathetic of them, as I quote links to other news sources regularly.

        That's another problem with lies.  They are unsustainable.

        Perhaps truthful reporting results in increased readership?  I know many of my most faithful and appreciative readers have been referred by their friends and family.

        One of the things that troubles me about unsustainable debt-ridden companies that get handouts from the government is that they can continue to pay for advertising that they cannot afford, and do not deserve.  This raises the cost to advertise for all market participants, which reduces my (and other honest business's) ability to reach people with the truth, because advertising is more expensive than it would otherwise be.  Thus, it's harder to afford to "advertise" at unrealistically high prices.

        While I may not be able to afford extensive advertising costs, the truth is winning the war.  Therefore, please tell your friends about the Silver Stock Report.  They generally either appreciate the eye-opener, or get so angry, it's at least funny to watch.




          Jason Hommel

          In case you miss an email, check the archives, now on the main page:

          Buy it now from our shipping department, 10 AM - 4 PM, M - F, Pacific:
          (100 oz. silver minimum, 100 oz. increments, USA shipping, wire transfer only!)
          Breana    (530) 913 4359 
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          Or visit
          (Mom will ship in lots of more or less than 100 ounces, and overseas, and take credit cards or pay pal.)

          See us also at:
          Rocklin Coin Shop
          4870 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677

          P.S.  If you want to get silver in amounts of 1000 ounces or more, at $.65 over spot, you can order direct from a mint, who will order bulk silver direct from a refiner.  (At $13/oz., that's only 5% over spot, for manufactured 1 oz. rounds!!!) But you have to pay before you lock the price, and you have to wait longer such as up to 2 weeks to manufacture and ship, and you will have fewer choices than we offer.

          This extraordinary offer from was extended, until July 22nd.  This offer is limited to the minting capacity of the mint, which may be exceeded at any time with any very large orders.

          Additional services:  They can convert, or melt, your 1000 oz. bars.  By dealing direct with a mint, you can open your own coin shop or silver store!

          It also costs between about $1500 to $5000 to create your own design to make the dies to make your own unique 1 oz. silver rounds.

          For additional details, call Jim at 909-792-5756
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